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Designing an Effective Community Health Project

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1 Designing an Effective Community Health Project
Mary McCord MD MPH Anne E. Dyson Community Pediatrics Initiative Columbia University, NewYork City

2 Definition of Community Pediatrics Adapted from Robert J. Haggerty, MD
The unique feature of community pediatrics is its concern for the entire population of children Community pediatrics [seeks] to provide a more realistic and complete clinical picture by: taking responsibility for all children in a community, understanding the determinants and consequences of child health and illness, providing preventive and curative services, understanding the effectiveness of services provided.

3 Ecological Model

4 Purpose of a Community Health Project
To improve children’s health in my community

5 What you bring to the table Adapted from Judy Palfrey MD
Developmental perspective Concept of differential diagnosis Notion of normal variation Prevention strategies and orientation Tailored/Individualized Approach Continuity

6 What you bring to the table Adapted from Abraham Bergman MD
Our credibility rests on our scientific training Bring expertise to bear on the problem, use sound data and when data isn’t available say so

7 Designing an Effective Community Project
Include a population perspective How important is the problem in the community How many children are affected Which children are affected How badly are they affected How does that compare to other health problems

8 Designing an Effective Community Project
Include a needs assessment How do people in the community perceive the problem Who is affected by the problem What do community members think are the causes What do community members think would be good solutions

9 Designing an Effective Community Project
Include a community resource assessment What is already being done to address the problem What existing resources could be mobilized to attack the problem

10 Designing an Effective Community Project
Apply academic expertise Do a literature review Think about who has expertise that is applicable Discuss the literature review, needs and resource assessments with experts in different disciplines

11 Designing an Effective Community Project
Consider the legislative perspective Are politician interested in the problem Are there potential legislative solutions

12 Designing an Effective Community Project
Propose an intervention Estimate the anticipated effect of the intervention Model programs define excellence, usually on a small scale Large scale programs have an impact on more children

13 Designing an Effective Community Project
Include an evaluation plan To assess the impact ‘Was it worth it?” To convince others it is worth funding or replicating

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