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World War II – The Most Revolutionary Moment in American History?

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Presentation on theme: "World War II – The Most Revolutionary Moment in American History?"— Presentation transcript:

1 World War II – The Most Revolutionary Moment in American History?

2 I. Military Revolution: From Isolation to World Power
A. Isolationism of the 1920s and 1930s B. Dominance in Europe: Delay and D-Day

3 C. Dominance in Asia: Island Hopping & the A-Bomb




7 D. The End of World War II: America Unscathed

8 II. Economic Revolution: From Great Depression to the Age of Affluence

9 A. World War II, Economic Boom, and the End of the Great Depression

10 B. Economic Controls and American Sacrifices During World War II



13 C. A Postwar Buying Boom: 1945-1970 = ¼ century of economic growth unprecedented in world history

14 III. Social Revolutions? The Seeds of the 60s
A. Temporary Gains for Women: Rosie the Riveter and the War

15 B. Mexican Migrations The Bracero Program and Guest Workers


17 C. African-Americans & the Origins of the Civil Rights Movement
Discrimination in The Armed Forces & in Factories

18 The Double V Campaign: Victory Against Dictators and Racism

19 A. Philip Randolph Protests for Equal Employment

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