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What are your TRUE COLORS?

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Presentation on theme: "What are your TRUE COLORS?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are your TRUE COLORS?
Presented by Tracie Sweet, Program Facilitator 2012 Fall ReNEWal Conference


3 “I firmly believe many of the answers we are searching for rest in the minds and hearts of our students. Thus, the relationship we create with them is a critical component that separates good schools from mediocre schools.” –Stephen Peters

4 “It’s beauty that captures your attention; personality which captures your heart.” -Anonymous

5 It’s TEST time! Let’s assess YOUR personality!

6 YOUR Color Personality
Characteristics of YOUR Color Personality Color personality groups Create a list of personality characteristics

7 Characteristics What drives you batty?

8 Blue is a color that has been shown to soothe the central nervous system. It fosters psychological contentment and physical tranquility. It can be said that when a person is feeling BLUE, they are experiencing emotional intensity and sensitivity to the dramas of life. The figure of speech referring to "True Blues" takes on the meaning of friendship, helpers, “there when you need them” individuals that will go the extra mile for others.

9 Words/Phrases that Characterize BLUE These are intuitive feeling people and above all, they must be authentic. Compassionate Purpose in life is to have a purpose in life Strive to be in harmony with inner self Making a difference in the world Devoted to relationships Spiritual Romanticize their experiences Interested in people watching Sees possibilities in people Cultivates potential in others Emotional Affectionate eternal commitment to love

10 What Others Think About BLUE
Over-emotional Bleeding heart Mushy Flaky Unrealistic Hopelessly naïve A pushover Weak Too “touchy-feely” Just pathetic

11 Out of Self-Esteem Attention-getting behavior Lying to save face
Withdrawal Fantasy, day-dreaming Crying and depression Passive resistance Yelling and screaming

12 Praise the BLUE Person’s:
Unique contributions Personal achievements Personal characteristics Honesty and sincerity Energetic and enthusiastic manner Contributions to the performance of the group and the organization

13 Orange is a color often used to promote action, motivation, excitement
Orange is a color often used to promote action, motivation, excitement. Orange urges you to PAY ATTENTION - wake up and seize the moment, make quick decisions…take advantage of the immediate opportunity available right now! Orange encourages a playful atmosphere of activity and movement. Think of the flash of fire, shimmer of sparklers on the fourth of July or the flame of a match – hot, dazzling, Orange energy.

14 Words/Phrases that Characterize ORANGE These are sensory perceptive people and above all, they must be free to act. Tests the limits Free spirit Great in a crisis Needs variations Loves tools Boldness Exciting Light-hearted Full of fun Performer & entertainer Waiting is psychological death Do it now Today is today Only temporarily defeated Spontaneous relationships Clutter is acceptable Generous sharing

15 What Others Think About ORANGE
Irresponsible Flaky Wishy-washy Not serious about serious matters Spend too much time at things they’re good at or enjoy Not seem interested in ideas Unimaginative Disobeys rules Not trustworthy

16 Out of Self-Esteem Rudeness and defiance
Breaking the rules intentionally Running away and dropping out Use of stimulants Acting out boisterously Lying and cheating Physical aggressiveness

17 Praise the ORANGE Person’s
Cleverness Skill Quickness Spontaneity Versatility Quick and timely responses

18 Green is an expression of the logic - the system of existence and the abundance of this color in nature. Greens are concerned with the world's challenges, such as preserving the wisdom of mother earth for the future. Psychological research has shown the color Green to have a calming effect and many Greens demonstrate a composed demeanor using mind over emotion to orchestrate and solve the mysteries of life.

19 Words/Phrases that Characterize GREEN These are sensory judging people and above all, they must be of service. Love of intelligence Stores wisdom Obsessed to learn Can never know enough Need for control Sees the big picture Must understand objects and events Individualist Believes things are obvious to all Speculates on others’ motivations Often too abstract for others Often oblivious to others’ emotions Thinks through relationships carefully

20 What Others Think About GREEN
“They think they are superior beings.” Arrogant Heartless Don’t care about people Ruthless Unrealistic Eccentric or weird Poor dresser Emotionally controlled repressed

21 Out of Self-Esteem Indecisiveness Refusal to comply or cooperate
Extreme aloofness and withdrawal Snobbish, put down remarks, sarcasm Refusal to communicate; the silent treatment Perfectionism due to severe performance anxiety Highly critical attitudes toward self or others

22 Praise the GREEN Person’s:
Competence Quality of Work Ingenuity Analytic abilities Clear, logical explanations in precise terms Good ideas and capabilities

23 Gold is a color with numerous metaphors associated with it
Gold is a color with numerous metaphors associated with it. Think of the common phrase, “Good as Gold”. It represents value, stability and strength. The expression “Solid Gold work ethic” conjures up an image of someone who is very responsible... on time, organized, fulfills their obligations with stellar dependability, efficiency and thoroughness. The classic expression “sets the Gold standard” is also a suitable fit.

24 Words/Phrases that Characterize Gold These are sensory judging people and above all, they must be of service. Useful Not free loaders Strong work ethic Parental attitude Compelled to be bound and obligated Should be rules Be prepared List maker Responsible Organized Detail oriented Hates wasting time Right and wrong Commitments Questions change Traditional Dependable Punctual Schedules predictable

25 What Others Think About GOLD
Rigid Controlling Dull or boring Stubborn-pigheaded Opinionated System-bound Unimaginative Uncreative

26 Out of Self-Esteem Complaining and self-pity Anxiety and worry
Depression and fatigue Psychosomatic problems Malicious judgments about self and others Herd mentality exhibited in blindly following others Authoritarianism and phobic reactions

27 Praise the GOLD Person’s:
Accomplishments Accomplishments and sense of responsibility Thoroughness Contributions to the growth and development of the organization and its performances Good ideas and capabilities

28 How will knowing your students’ personalities affect their learning?
Making Connections How will knowing your students’ personalities affect their learning?


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