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How the RDS can support your application

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1 How the RDS can support your application
Sarah Seaton East Midlands Research Design Service 02/01/2019

2 RDS EM - Who We Are…. Established in a national network of research units to support the development of research ideas and research funding applications within the NHS.

3 RDS EM - Who We Are…. Service led by Nottingham University and the University of Leicester, with staff funded at De Montfort University, University of Lincoln, Northampton University and Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Staff team includes… Medical Statisticians Health Economists Social Scientists Epidemiologists. Qualitative specialists Funding & Organisation specialists PPI experts

4 RDS EM - Who We Are…. Academic staff maintain research activity:
Co-applicants and active researchers in successful bids (e.g. RfPB, HTA, PGfAR, ESRC, CLAHRC, Fellowships) Authors of papers published in peer-reviewed journals Peer-reviewers for journals Relevant funding panel experience: Peer-reviewers for NIHR funding streams (e.g. RfPB, HTA, EME, PGfAR) Members of panels or sub-panels (e.g. PGfAR, RfPB, NIHR/CNO Clinical Academic Training Pathway) Members of local ethics committees A number of us have been through the process ourselves………

5 How can we help….. Refine your idea and turn it into a fundable project… Help you to negotiate the application forms… Help you to negotiate application processes … Provide specialist/methodological input into your proposal… Review drafts of your proposal Provide mock interviews Interpret feedback from previous failed applications …

6 Common Errors Not within NIHR remit
Candidate lacks confidence in their own potential as a future leader Assuming too much specialist knowledge on the part of the reviewer Not feasible in time frame / Too ‘high-risk’ Environment is research-weak/inappropriate for project Host institution has not demonstrated appropriate commitment Not clear how training plan relates to project and prepares candidate for next stage of career

7 Added value…. NIHR evaluation of funding competitions demonstrates that applicants supported by an RDS were more likely to pass outline stages of competitions, and that overall success rate was higher in those that had consulted an RDS.

8 Summary Write for the expert generalist
Take all sections of the application seriously Do not make unsupported statements Ask the RDS/colleagues to review your application Take appropriate time!

9 Contact details Complete an online form:
Tel: (Leicester) or (Nottingham)

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