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Jaisamand lake Basin Krishna Godavari Basin India.

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Presentation on theme: "Jaisamand lake Basin Krishna Godavari Basin India."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jaisamand lake Basin Krishna Godavari Basin India

2 Jaisamand Basin Situated in Rajasthan Lake basin
NIH and WFI jointly implement the project Groundwater is extensively utilized Rainfall is less than 100 mm/year Data collection has been completed Basin is part of hydis and provides data (discontinued of late) Jaisamand Basin

3 Jaisamand Lake Basin Research Data collection Modeling Assessment
Various aridity indices have been calculated Hydrological, tracer based analyais and geomorphic analysis have been completed Decision support system is being developed. Dissemination of output desires to be improved Jaisamand Lake Basin

4 Salient features of the Progress under Asian GWADI
On the groundwater research carried out in the Krishna-Godavari inter-stream semi-arid regions At National Geophysical Research Institute (Contact: Dr. Shakeel Ahmed), Hyderabad , India For Asian G-WADI Meeting, July 17th, 2010, Beijing

5 Pilot watersheds in K-G Inter-stream region
Maheshwaram watershed (RR District and now Greater Hyderabad in Andhra Pradesh) 2. Wailapally watershed (Nalgonda District, Andhra Pradesh) 3. Gajwel watershed (Medak District of Andhra Pradesh)

6 Maheshwaram watershed
Various Decision Supports were prepared based on the land-use change etc.

7 Waillapally watershed
Identified the burried channels through ERT and also designed suitable Artificial Recharge structures

8 Gajwel watershed Delineation of aquifer zones and Socio-economic impact of Agri-change

9 Planned during the XII Five Year Plan
Solving Hydro-complexities for Sustainable Management and meeting Societal Challenges in Godavari-Krishna River Basins Planned during the XII Five Year Plan

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