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Lower Ip Long Pulse H+ITB Advanced Scenarios

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1 Lower Ip Long Pulse H+ITB Advanced Scenarios
C. Kessel*, A. Hubbard *Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory C-MOD Ideas Forum, December 13-15, 2007

2 Goals Run Days Examine lower Ip discharges to obtain higher boostrap current and higher non-inductive current fractions Determine energy confinement in the lower Ip plasmas with ICRF power scan Examine the benefits of longer Ip rampup times to control the q-profile with and without LHCD in the rampup -- density control to maximize effect of LHCD Extend the pulse lengths to maximize the number of current relaxation times and to allow for development of modulation/control techniques in the advanced scenarios Produce a reliable ITB formation approach Search for strong current profile features in ITB plasmas

3 Low Ip Long Pulse H+ITB Advanced Scenarios
Establish lower Ip ramps at different ramp rates, to 600, 450 and 300 kA, and more reliable H+ITB formation -- document q-profile and loop voltage, both with/without LH injection in the ramp H+ITB-mode H-mode n(0) Ip PICoff PICon PLH 100 500 750 time, ms

4 Lower Ip Long Pulse H+ITB Advanced Scenarios
TSC simulation of Ip =450 kA H and H+ITB mode based on H+ITB H-mode Up-down symmetric, no structure PICoff

5 H+ITB H-mode T = 1.5 s Strong density peaking
H+ITB results in higher Vsurf due to lower Te weakening the impact of higher Ibootstrap

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