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RG/BDF-Lite ( RG/BDFS + Goal&Behaviour Ontology )

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Presentation on theme: "RG/BDF-Lite ( RG/BDFS + Goal&Behaviour Ontology )"— Presentation transcript:

1 RG/BDF-Lite ( RG/BDFS + Goal&Behaviour Ontology )
SmartResource Project: Deliverable 2.1 RG/BDF: Resource Goal/Behaviour Description Framework RG/BDF-Lite ( RG/BDFS + Goal&Behaviour Ontology ) “Expert” Resource Agent “Device” Resource Agent Resource Agent “Service” University of Jyväskylä Industrial Ontologies Group

2 Project Team: Industrial Ontologies Group
University of Jyväskylä Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics Researchers Vagan Terziyan (leader) Oleksiy Khriyenko Olena Kaykova Sergiy Nikitin Contact Person: Timo Tiihonen s: phone: Timo Tiihonen Andriy Zharko Anton Naumenko Yaroslav Tsaruk URL:

3 Introduction to RG/BDFS

4 Smart Resource 2005 Scenario (3 scenes)
“Knowledge Transfer from Expert to Service” Agent plays roles: Scene 1: “diagnostic expert”; Scene 2: “no play”; Scene 3: “no play” “Expert” Labelled data Agent plays roles: Scene 1: “no play”; Scene 2: “student”; Scene 3: “diagnostic expert” Watching and querying diagnostic data Querying diagnostic results “Device” Labelled data Labelled data “Service” Labelled data History data Querying data for learning Learning sample and Querying diagnostic results Agent plays roles: Scene 1: “patient”; Scene 2: “teacher”; Scene 3: “patient” Diagnostic model

5 BDI (Beliefs-Desires-Intensions): Underlying Model for RGBDF
Context RSCDF Communication Beliefs Observation Profiles Desires Intensions Actions Roles Goals Behavior Execution RGBDF RSCDF RSCDF RSCDF Jonker C., Terziyan V., Treur J., Temporal and Spatial Analysis to Personalize an Agent’s Dynamic Belief, Desire and Intention Profiles, In: M. Klush et al. (eds.), Cooperative Information Agents VII: Proceedings of the 7-th International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents (CIA-2003), Helsinki, Finland, August 27-29, 2003, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, V. 2782, Springer-Verlag, pp

6 Roles Statement BDI Architecture
sufficient Beliefs Profiles necessary rscdfs:trueInContext rscdfs:falseInContext Beliefs rdf:object rdf:subject rscdfs:predicate Agent Profiles rgbdfs:hasRole

7 Goals Statement BDI Architecture
sufficient Beliefs Desires necessary rscdfs:trueInContext rscdfs:falseInContext Beliefs Profiles rdf:object rdf:subject rscdfs:predicate Agent Desires rgbdfs:hasGoals

8 Behavior Statement BDI Architecture
sufficient Beliefs Intensions necessary rscdfs:trueInContext rscdfs:falseInContext Beliefs Desires rdf:object rdf:subject rscdfs:predicate Agent Intensions rgbdfs:hasBehaviour

9 Execution Statement BDI Architecture
sufficient Beliefs Actions necessary rscdfs:trueInContext rscdfs:falseInContext Beliefs Intentions rdf:object rdf:subject rscdfs:predicate Agent Actions rgbdfs:Execute

10 RG/BDFS Goal Statement
rgbdfs:Goal_Statement is a class of the “goal” instances. This class is similar to rscdfs:SR_Statement and is a subclass of it. Triple <SSS-PPP-OOO> describes some fact-statement which is not true in the current resource state, but resource is aimed to make it true (an Agent intends to achieve this goal). Each goal is dynamic and can be aimed by resource in a certain context. rscdfs:Context_SR_Container rscdfs:trueInContext rscdfs:falseInContext rscdfs:Context_SR_Container rgbdfs:Goal_Statement rdf:object rdf:subject rscdfs:predicate SSS OOO PPP

11 RG/BDFS Goal Statement Example
Mirja has flowers Mirja has birthday Mirja likes flowers rscdfs:trueInContext rscdfs:falseInContext rgbdfs:Goal_Statement rdf:object rdf:subject rscdfs:predicate Mirja flowers has

12 RG/BDFS has_goals Statement
rscdfs:Context_SR_Container rscdfs:Context_SR_Container rscdfs:trueInContext rscdfs:falseInContext rscdfs:SR_Statement rdf:object rdf:subject rscdfs:predicate rgbdfs:Goal_Container rscdfs:ResourceAgent rgbdfs:hasGoals rgbdfs:Goal_Statement rgbdfs:Goal_Statement rgbdfs:Goal_Statement

13 RG/BDFS Behaviour Statements
rgbdfs:Behaviour_Statement is a class of the behaviour instances. This class is a subclass of rscdfs:SR_Statement with extended properties. rscdfs:ResourceAgent class plays role of the subject range. Range of the statement’s predicate is restricted by rgbdfs:B_Property class (subclass of the rscdfs:SR_Property). An object of the behaviour statement can be represented by rgbdfs:Behaviour_Container (container of nested behaviour statements if root behaviour is complex) or atomic execution. rscdfs:falseInContext property makes a link to goal container, which contains goal statement(s) (because behaving has a sense when a goal is not achieved). If the presence of a Goal is a necessary condition for the behaviour, then context statements (condition of the environment) is a sufficient condition (which is represented by contextual container via the rscdfs:trueInContext property). rgbdfs:Goal_Container rscdfs:Context_SR_Container rscdfs:trueInContext rgbdfs:falseInContext rgbdfs:Behaviour_Statement rgbdfs:subject rdf:object rgbdfs:predicate rgbdfs:Behaviour_Container rscdfs:ResourceAgent rgbdfs:hasBehaviour

14 Behaviour Statement Example
Agent has presented flowers to Mirja Agent has money rscdfs:trueInContext rgbdfs:falseInContext rgbdfs:Behaviour_Statement rgbdfs:subject rdf:object rgbdfs:predicate Agent buys flowers Agent comes to Mirja Agent presents flowers to Mirja rscdfs:ResourceAgent rgbdfs:hasBehaviour

15 RG/BDFS Containers rgbdfs:Goal_Container is a class of the goal container instances. This class is a subclass of rscdfs:SR_Container in general. It represents a container of goal statements, which define the goals. Such container plays a role of context (via rscdfs:falseInContext property) for a behaviour statement till the goal will be achieved, and that is why it is a direct subclass of rscdfs:Context_SR_Container. rgbdfs:gMember property is a redefined from rscdfs:member property and defines instance of the rgbdfs:Goal_Statement class as a member of the container. rgbdfs:Behaviour_Container is a class of the behaviour container instances. As a subclass of rscdfs:SR_Statement it has a redefined rgbdfs:bMember property. A main role of the behaviour container is to collect the nested behaviours for a complex behaviour (represented by behaviour statement). rgbdfs:Goal_Container rgbdfs:gMember rgbdfs:Behaviour_Container rgbdfs:Goal_Statement rgbdfs:Goal_Statement rgbdfs:Goal_Statement rgbdfs:bMember rgbdfs:Behaviour_Statement rgbdfs:Behaviour_Statement rgbdfs:Behaviour_Statement

16 RG/BDFS Complex (nested) Goals
rscdfs:Context_SR_Container rscdfs:trueInContext rscdfs:Context_SR_Container rscdfs:SR_Statement rscdfs:SR_Statement rscdfs:SR_Statement rscdfs:trueInContext rscdfs:SR_Statement rscdfs:predicate rdf:object rdf:subject rgbdfs:subGoal rgbdfs:Goal_Container rgbdfs:Goal_Statement rgbdfs:Goal_Statement rdf:object rdf:subject rscdfs:predicate rgbdfs:Goal_Statement rgbdfs:Goal_Statement OOO SSS PPP Some complex goals can be divided to the set of component sub-goals. Thus, goal container plays role of the goal set, members of which are sub goals of complex goal. A property rgbdfs:subGoal is defined in RG/BDFS-lite to specify the set of sub goals for a complex goal. The domain and range for this property are rgbdfs:Goal_Statement and rgbdfs:Goal_Container classes correspondingly.

17 Complex Goal Example rscdfs:SR_Statement Mirja has birthday
rscdfs:Context_SR_Container rscdfs:SR_Statement Mirja has birthday rscdfs:trueInContext Mirja likes flowers rscdfs:predicate rdf:object rdf:subject rgbdfs:subGoal rgbdfs:Goal_Container rgbdfs:Goal_Statement Agent has > 10 EURO rdf:object rdf:subject rscdfs:predicate Agent is located at the flower market Agent has flowers Flowers Mirja has Agent is located at Mirja’s home

18 RG/BDFS Behaviour rgbdfs:Goal_Container rscdfs:Context_SR_Container
rgbdfs:falseInContext rscdfs:trueInContext rscdfs:SR_Statement rscdfs:SR_Statement rgbdfs:Behaviour_Statement rscdfs:SR_Statement rdf:object rgbdfs:predicate rgbdfs:subject rgbdfs:Behaviour_Container rgbdfs:Goal_Container rgbdfs:hasBehaviour rgbdfs:Behaviuor_Statement rscdfs:ResourceAgent rscdfs:falseInContext rgbdfs:Behaviuor_Statement rgbdfs:subject rdf:object rgbdfs:predicate rgbdfs:Execution rscdfs:ResourceAgent rgbdfs:execute Simple behaviour, which means performing a certain action (execution of certain method, code…), can be described via rgbdfs:execute property (instance of the rgbdfs:B_Property class), which defines instance of rgbdfs:Execution class for a resource agent. This instance describes exact method (code, service and etc.), inputs, outputs and other features of execution entry. RG/BDFS-lite has rgbdfs:hasBehaviour property (instance of the rgbdfs:B_Property class) to define a complex behaviour (which means performing a set of nested behaviours) for an agent. This property defines a set of behaviour statements via behaviour container for a resource agent.

19 Behaviour Example Mirja has flowers Agent has money
rgbdfs:falseInContext rscdfs:trueInContext rscdfs:SR_Statement rscdfs:SR_Statement rgbdfs:Behaviour_Statement rscdfs:SR_Statement Agent has flowers rdf:object rgbdfs:predicate Agent is located at Mirja’s home rgbdfs:subject rgbdfs:Behaviour_Container rscdfs:falseInContext rgbdfs:hasBehaviour Agent buys flowers rscdfs:ResourceAgent rscdfs:falseInContext Agent comes to Mirja Agent presents flowers to Mirija rscdfs:trueInContext rgbdfs:subject rdf:object rgbdfs:predicate rgbdfs:Execution rscdfs:ResourceAgent rgbdfs:execute

20 RG/BDFS Role rgbdfs:hasRole rgbdfs:Role rgbdfs:goals rgbdfs:hasGoals
rscdfs:Context_SR_Container rscdfs:Context_SR_Container rscdfs:trueInContext rscdfs:SR_Statement rscdfs:trueInContext rdf:object rscdfs:predicate rdf:subject rscdfs:SR_Statement rdf:subject rgbdfs:hasRole rgbdfs:Role rdf:object rscdfs:ResourceAgent rscdfs:predicate rgbdfs:goals rscdfs:Context_SR_Container rgbdfs:Goal_Container rscdfs:trueInContext rscdfs:SR_Statement rdf:object rgbdfs:Goal_Statement rscdfs:predicate rgbdfs:Goal_Statement rdf:subject rgbdfs:Goal_Statement rgbdfs:hasGoals rscdfs:ResourceAgent Another important part of behaviour structuring is an agent role and related goal definition. rgbdfs:hasRole property defines a role (rgbdfs:Role) for resource agent in certain context. Another property, that is related to the agent role, is rgbdfs:goals, which defines a goal or a set of the goals correspondent to the subject role via a goal container. Resource agent may have different roles and a set of goals can be different even for the same role depending on the context (environment condition). At the same time a set of the goals can be linked to certain agent directly (without role specification) through rgbdfs:hasGoals property..

21 Executable modules or Web Services
Agent Architecture RG/BDF approach assumes keeping all the goals, roles descriptions and behaviour rules templates in ontology. The behaviour rules templates are described in general way with a purpose to be applied to any particular agent. Such description requires utilization of a handy and flexible description schema (RG/BDFS-Lite). SmartResource platform contains a Resource History where it stores all statements about resource states and conditions, actions that are performed by resource agent and other information that can be useful for it. There are also can be located some executable modules (codes) that agent should perform as an output of its behaviour rule chain. Otherwise it should utilize external web services. Agent always should interact with ontology to be able to download necessary role, goal description or behaviour template whenever the agent needs it. Behaviour template represents a rule for behaviour. Represented by behaviour statement the template contains necessary condition (goal) and sufficient condition (condition of the environment) as the contexts of rule performance and a set of the performance descriptions as an output of the rule. Ontology Roles Goals Templates Resource Agent Behaviour rules Execution module descriptions Resource History Templates Executable modules or Web Services Behaviour description

22 Template examples

23 Role and Goal templates

24 Nested Goal template

25 Nested agent behaviour

26 SmartResource Layered Cake of Specifications
OWL provides ontological extension for RDFS, RscDFS and RGBDFS Schemas SmartResource Layered Cake of Specifications RGBDF Schema defines goals and behavior rules for GUN agents contains ontological basis for RDF, RCSDF and RGBDF RDFS RGBDF document with encoded data about mental states of agents resulted from behavior RscDF Schema defines context-sensitive properties for GUN resources RscDF document with encoded data about states and conditions of a resource in a context RDF Specification as a language for data representation in RscDF and RGBDF documents XML as a basis for RDF, RDFS and document serialization

27 RDF Evolution towards GUN

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