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Pia Otte Status Seminar Maputo

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1 Pia Otte Status Seminar Maputo 03.05.2012
Cooking with the sun -A comparative analysis of implementing solar cookers in the developing world Pia Otte Status Seminar Maputo

2 Background Solar Cooking has been widely viewed from a technological-centered approach Solar cookers limited accepted Need to focus stronger on the adoption of solar cookers “Solar cookers a solution looking for a problem” (Wentzel & Pouris, 2007) Strong focus on household applications limited focus on institutional level

3 Research objectives What are the determining factors that make public institutions implement solar cooking systems?    Why have there been institutional  solar cookers implemented in some developing countries more than in others? What are the possibilities of institutional solar cooking in the case of Mozambique?

4 Comparison of Scheffler reflectors in different settings
1 South Africa 3 Botswana 20 India ?? Burkina Faso

5 Fieldwork India Gurgaon (Haryana) Indore, Jhabua (Madhya Pradesh)
Shirdi (Maharashtra) Dharampur, Sevasi, Fulwadi, Loyal technical school, Muni Seva (Goraj) (Gujarat) Mount Abu, Abu Road (Rajasthan) Tirupati (Andra Pradesh)

6 Predefined variables Economic factors Cultural factors Affordability
well-adapted financial schemes Income generating activity Cultural factors food characteristics (e.g., taste, texture, colour) Traditional cooking habits Schedule of daily routine Environmental factors Availability of firewood & other fuels Level of solar radiation Availability of suitable place Built with local resources Infrastructure (maintenance service, dissemination) Social factors Motivation (decision maker, cook) Use of solar cooker by its disseminators Existing power& gender relations Donation vs. purchase

7 Predefined variables Policy framework Level of performance
Political factors Policy framework > degree of policies & regulations > level of cooperation between different sectors among public authorities > demonstration sites, workshops > marketing concepts > campaigns Technical factors Level of performance Mechanic quality Stand-alone solution vs. Back up Easiness to use User friendliness (safety) Low sensitivity to reparation

8 Solar steam systems in use

9 Hazards for solar cookers

10 Direct kitchens not in use

11 What did the interviews show?
Interviews with directors, cooks, maintenance staff, key contacts, Heike Hoedt & Wolfgang Scheffler Commitment to solar Economic benefit Staff for maintenance Changes in management No local share of responsibilities (top-down approach) Quality of the technology (e.g., mirrors, clock work) Supplier characteristics user friendliness (direct vs. steam kitchens)

12 Commitment to solar Mostly religious institutions which apply Scheffler reflectors - Brahma Kumaris - Bahai - Jesuits Shirdi, Tirupati temples (cook for up to pilgrims)

13 The case of the Brahma Kumaris
“It became obvious to combine spirituality and values with development of solar energy and other alternative technologies. The fusion of both drives us towards a better future.” (Brochure, Renewable Energy) Brahma Kumaris is institutional solar cooking pioneer in India Investigate how much the use of solar cooking is due to a spiritual commitment or the “Golo effect”

14 Qutlook How representative is my sample?
Interviews with Brahma Kumaris in South Africa, Maputo, Botswana, Burkina Faso tracing of Scheffler reflectors in Burkina Faso

15 Presentations/ Dissemination
”Developing Technology: The quest for a new theoretical framework for understanding the role of technology in human development” (EASST conference Trento, September 2010) “The development effects of solar cooking technologies for households and institutions in Africa” (Conference Local adaptation to climate change for improved food and energy security in rural Africa, Oslo 14th December 2010) “The role of economic incentives for the acceptance of institutional solar cooking- A country comparison” (National conference in Political Science Bergen January 2011)

16 Presentations/ Dissemination
“Limits and Possibilities of Institutional solar cooking in Mozambique” (ISES conference 2011, Kassel) “Solar cooking a solution looking for a problem? A need assessment of institutional solar cooking in Mozambique” (Residential Summer school Botswana July 2012)  “The impact of spiritual commitment on the adoption of institutional solar cooking.-The case of the Brahma Kumaris” (Eurosun, 2012)

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