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Additional Support for Learning Service CEC

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1 Additional Support for Learning Service CEC
Addressing the Health and Wellbeing of CYP during a period of ill-health Juliet McCann Service Leader Additional Support for Learning Service CEC

2 Legal Context Education Authorities have a duty to secure education to the development of the personality, talents and mental and physical abilities of the child or young person to their fullest potential.

3 Key Legislation Children and Young People Scotland Act 2014
Education Scotland Act 1980 Equality Act 2010 Standards in Scotland’s Schools Act 2000 Additional Support for Learning Act 2004 No interpretation of legislation unfortunately!

4 GIRFEC and the SHANARRI indicators
Safe Healthy Achieving Nurtured Active Respected Responsible Included Safe – protected from abuse, neglect or harm Healthy – experiencing the highest standards of physical and mental health Achieving – receives support and guidance in their learning – boosting skills, confidence and self-esteem Nurtured – Having a nurturing and stimulating place to live and grow Active – Having opportunities to take part in a wide range of activities Respected - To be given a voice and involved in decisions that affect wellbeing Responsible – Taking an active role within schools / communities Included – given help / guidance to overcome social, educational, physical and economic inequalities and accepted as full members of the communities in which they live and learn

5 Addressing the HWB needs of CYP absent from school

6 What helps? Normality Communication Continuity and Progression
High Expectations Wider Achievement Awards Work Towards Transition Communication – with base school / correct members of staff and feedback to cyp. Encourage ways of keeping in touch – letters, diary, blog, skype, staff / friends visits, social media where appropriate Continuity and Progression – quality information to inform planning and next steps High expectations of success within constraints of medical condition – SQA qualifications where appropriate Wider Achievement Awards – Employability Awards, Leadership Awards, Personal Achievement Awards etc Work Towards Transition – regular CPM / YPPM’s. Any ‘reasonable adjustments’ planned in good time. Any building adaptations applied for and sorted in good time, any additional staff requirements – applied for in good time. CYP should go back to grouping from which he / she came from in most cases. Staff (pupil) training can be helpful in some cases – eg. ABI

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