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Information Evening for Year 9 Parents

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Presentation on theme: "Information Evening for Year 9 Parents"— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Evening for Year 9 Parents
Caldicot School Ysgol Cil-y-Coed Making the Grade Information Evening for Year 9 Parents Committed to Achievement Calon i Lwyddo

2 Making the Grade Mr S Rees – Acting Headteacher Welcome
Caldicot School Ysgol Cil-y-Coed Welcome Purpose of the evening Making the Grade Mr S Rees – Acting Headteacher Committed to Achievement Calon i Lwyddo

3 Key Stage 4 Qualifications
GCSE BTEC Cambridge National Certificate* Award (Half the value) Level 2 A* A B C Distinction*Distinction Merit Pass Distinction Level 1 D E F G Entry Level Qualifications *E.G. Certificate in Personal Finance or Skills Challenge Certificate Key Stage 4 Qualifications

4 Wales V England educational system comparison


6 Year 9 Curriculum Mr R Downs – Assistant Headteacher
Caldicot School Ysgol Cil-y-Coed 2 Mathematics qualifications – Mathematics and Mathematics Numeracy English Language & Literature Double award Science Welsh Baccalaureate Welsh RS Games (2 lessons per fortnight) Option subjects x 3 Mr R Downs – Assistant Headteacher Year 9 Curriculum Committed to Achievement Calon i Lwyddo

7 Assessment Coursework Controlled Assessments
Caldicot School Ysgol Cil-y-Coed Coursework Controlled Assessments NEA – Non Examined Assessments On-line tests Modular examinations Final (Terminal) Examinations Mr R Downs Assessment Committed to Achievement Calon i Lwyddo

Caldicot School Ysgol Cil-y-Coed Academic Tracking and Target Setting Targeted mentoring to achieve predicted grades Supportive wellbeing team: Mr R Downs – Assistant Headteacher Mr J Harman – Year 9 Tutor Miss J Robson – Engagement Coach KS4 Mr R Downs Year 9 WELLBEING & PASTORAL SUPPORT Committed to Achievement Calon i Lwyddo

9 MILK – Student homework app
Caldicot School Ysgol Cil-y-Coed All pupils have received their personal log in details Parental accounts should have been received at home this week Milk will help your child and you organise their homework and ensure deadlines are met Homework helps develop problem- solving and time management skills Reinforces the material covered in the classroom Mr R Downs MILK – Student homework app Committed to Achievement Calon i Lwyddo

10 STUDY SKILLS Mr J Harman – Year 9 Tutor
Caldicot School Ysgol Cil-y-Coed Study as an active and continuous process What does effective study look like? Utilising assessments Support available in and out of school Enquiries and messages for teaching staff can be sent to; Tel: Mr J Harman – Year 9 Tutor STUDY SKILLS

11 Attendance Mr J Harman Attendance at school is crucial for success
Caldicot School Ysgol Cil-y-Coed Attendance at school is crucial for success Studies show: 100% attendance – pupil will meet all subject targets 90% attendance (19 days absent) – pupil likely to achieve 1 grade lower than target grades 80% attendance (38 days absent) – pupil likely to achieve 2 grades lower than target grades 50% attendance (95 days absent) – only 3% of pupils achieve 5 GCSE A*-C Attendance Mr J Harman Committed to Achievement Calon i Lwyddo

A long time away – maybe not! Utilise the Careers Advisor in school Sixth form entry requirements: 5 GCSE grades A*-C including English, Mathematics & Welsh Baccalaureate GCSE B grades recommended for subjects chosen at A Level College entry requirements: Most college courses at Level 3 require 5 GCSE grades A*-C including English, Mathematics & Welsh Baccalaureate Apprenticeships: Gaining popularity year on year and competition for the limited apprenticeships available is increasing Grades required for apprenticeships are increasing each year University Many university courses now require a B grade in both English and Mathematics. For example, teaching qualifications Mr J Harman After YOUR GCSE STUDIES

13 Parent/School Partnership
Caldicot School Ysgol Cil-y-Coed Pupil self-belief – many do not believe they can achieve Work in partnership – School/Home/Pupil What pupils do NOW will pay off in Year 11 Utilise Milk and check things like their school equipment regularly We are all here to support, encourage and NAG! It will be worth the effort Thank you Parent/School Partnership Mr S Rees Committed to Achievement Calon i Lwyddo

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