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VIDEO CLIP #1 (from Australia ~ 7 min)

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1 VIDEO CLIP #1 (from Australia ~ 7 min)
What are the 3 levels of biodiversity? Give a counter-example of biodiversity. What are the 5 benefits of biodiversity. What do the words anthropocene and anthropogenic mean? What are the challenges ahead?

2 Other benefits… How does biodiversity provide for greater “resistance to shocks?” If you consider the phrase “You are what you eat,” how does biodiversity impact our health? How do invasive species affect biodiversity? How might the removal of the sea otter affect biodiversity in the intertidal ecosystem?

3 VIDEO CLIP #2 (~ 28 min) How much rain forest is lost every day due to logging and clear-cutting? What % of the earth is covered by forest today, compared to 1900?

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