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Module 9 Recording and reporting culture results

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1 Module 9 Recording and reporting culture results

2 Learning objectives At the end of this module you will be able to:
use the culture quantification scheme. describe the time-frame for reporting results. record culture identification results in the laboratory register. use the WHO form for a preliminary report of culture. report a M. tuberculosis complex culture on WHO form.

3 Content outline Culture semiquantitative reporting
Detection of false-positive cultures The laboratory register for culture (DST) WHO report form for culture preliminary report final report

4 Laboratory culture (DST) register
PATIENT Patient’s name /Lab serial number New/retreatment / follow-up (months) SPECIMEN Centre of origin / Local lab ID number Date collected/received / Type of specimen AFB smear Local result / culture lab result CULTURE logbook Media / date of inoculation Growth record (weekly) AFB morphology Date of report

5 Laboratory culture (DST) register
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6 Culture semiquantitative reporting
READING REPORT No growth reported Fewer than 10 colonies Positive (no. of colonies) 10–100 colonies Positive (1+) More than 100 colonies Positive (2+) Innumerable or confluent growth Positive (3+) Contaminated

7 Laboratory register Note results immediately.
Always check agreement between number on tube and number in laboratory register. Use a red pen for positive results. Check for clerical errors!

8 Interpretation of culture results: possible false-positive cultures due to cross-contamination
Suspect cross-contamination when: there is only one positive culture among several samples; a culture turns positive after prolonged incubation; colony count on solid medium is low (1–5 colonies). Check whether the specimen was processed after one that was highly positive.

9 Preliminary report Date of receipt of specimen/Lab serial number
AFB results (method) Culture semiquantitative reporting method Date of report / Signature

10 Laboratory culture (DST) register
DST and identification register DST serial number Primary culture serial number Date culture positive Date DST inoculation DST logbook Controls /Drugs Identification tests Final results Identification Resistance profile Date of report

11 Laboratory culture (DST) register
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12 WHO form – final report Reference lab numbers
Microscopy results (indication of method) Culture growth results Identification of M. tuberculosis complex DST results Date of reporting Signature

13 WHO form – final report

14 Reporting time-frame Contaminated culture: as soon as it is identified
M. tuberculosis: as soon as it is identified Negative (at 6 weeks for liquid culture) Negative (at 8 weeks)

15 Quality assurance Always check agreement between the laboratory register number and the number written on tubes/slants. Use WHO forms for reporting results. A copy of the completed final report should be retained in the laboratory for 2 years. 80% of the results are reported within 42 days. Positive cultures are reported within 48 hours of growth detection.

16 True and false exercise
Early positive culture (less than 7 days) increases the suspicion of TB. TB colonies become clearly visible after at least 2 weeks (on solid media). A preliminary report should be made available to the clinician as soon as there is presumptive identification.

17 Module review: take-home messages
Positive cultures should be reported to the clinician immediately, using a semiquantitative scale. The laboratory register and the report should be completed carefully. Keep in mind the possibility of a laboratory cross-contamination in selected cases.

18 Self-assessment Explain the schedule for reporting culture results.
Why is semiquantitative reporting needed? What information should a final report include?

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