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SPORT in PREŠOV 1.D Jozef Bubanec Ján Pavlík.

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1 SPORT in PREŠOV 1.D Jozef Bubanec Ján Pavlík

2 Football in prešov Prešov´s football team is named 1. FC Tatran Prešov. 1. FC Tatran Prešov is the oldest slovak football club. They play the highest slovak football league, Corgoň liga. In the last season 2009/2010 they finished at eighth place.

3 Stadium Stadium of 1. FC Tatran Prešov is the oldest slovak football stadium. In 1899, the city donated space to the football club for a stadium. In 1907 was built wooden tribune for 400 people. During World War II was destroyed the tribune and a playground. In 1945 was repaired the playground, next year new tribune with 1500 seats started to built. Current capacity is about 5500 seats.

4 Club management Implementation Team President Miroslav Remeta
Vice President Braňo Prieložný General Director Jozef Petrik Sports Director Erik Bogdanovský Implementation Team Coach – Roman Pivarník Assistent coach – Jozef Daňko, Jozef Kostelník Fitness instuctor – Pavol Mlynár Goalie coach – Jaroslav Belejčák Doctors – Peter Cvengroš, Ján Mirilovič, Július Svätojánsky Masseur – Vladimír Šarišský Physiotherapist – Pavol Mušinský Coach Roman Pivarník

5 Hockey In prešov First hockey club was founded in Since 2008 a name of Prešov hockey club is HC Prešov 07. Here grew up players like Igor Liba, Martin Štrbák, René Pucher, Peter Pucher, Michal Segľa, Jaroslav Obšut, Vladimír Mihálik a Marek Zagrapan.

6 Stadium Stadium of HC Prešov 07 is named an Ice aréna. In the years was called Saddle(Sedlo) arena because it is in the shape of the saddle. The Ice Aréna was built in 1967 and it has capacity for 5500 people. The capacity of the ice rink for public skating is 350 persons.

7 HANDBALL in PREŠOV Handball is very popular sport in Prešov. Handball team in Prešov is named Tatran PREŠOV. As the only team in Slovakia plays the highest europe hanball league and highest slovak league. In Slovakia Tatran is the best team and since year 2006 is a leader every year.

8 PLAYERS Tatran has 22 players. A lot of players are from other city of Slovakia and three players are from other country. The best player ist Rado Antl. His number is 28. He is from Košice. Jakub Krupa is goalkeeper. His number is 1. He is from Czech republic. Alexander Radčenko is from Russia. His number is 15. Dajnis Kristopans is from Latvia. His number is 10.

9 „first person contact“
Club managment : Mgr. Marián Magdoško Sports director Ing. Marián Estočko marketing manager Miloslav Chmeliar is club owner Mgr. Zlatica Prokopová „first person contact“ Implemetation team : Coach: Rastislav Trtík Assistent coach: Alexander Radčenko Masseur: Igor Zrelák Doctor: MUDr. Peter Klein Rastislav Trtík Coach

10 Handball Arena This handball hall is one of the best in Europe, but is small. In the next season Tatran will play in Mestská hala with capacity 5000 seats. Handball Arena has capacity for 1453 people.The Handball Arena was built in 1978.

11 Thank you for your attention

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