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8 propaganda techniques used by advertisers.

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1 8 propaganda techniques used by advertisers

2 What is propaganda? Propaganda is the spreading of ideas, information, or rumors for the purpose of influencing people. Such writing encourages the reader to react favorably or unfavorably to particular products, people, or ideas.

3 Repetition How many times can you use the word “Fresh?”
The product name or keyword or phrase is repeated several times. What sort of statements is this ad making? Are there restaurants out there that aren’t “Fresh”? How many times can you use the word “Fresh?”

4 Repetition Repetition is the technique used to persuade by repeating the product name at least four times.

5 Bandwagon This technique tries to persuade everyone to join in and do the same thing. The text on the image showing a group of people with one person excluded is a clear example of the bandwagon technique.

6 Testimonial Testimonial propaganda uses the words of a famous person to persuade and claim to have personal experience with the issue.

7 Transfer Good feelings, looks, or ideas transferred to the person for whom the product is intended. Advertisers like to point out that you can do it (with their help). They often focus on areas like hair loss, weight loss or personal appearance where people are self-conscious. You can look like the people in our ads if you use our product

8 Emotional Words Words such as luxury, beautiful, paradise, and economical are used to evoke positive feelings in the viewer. This technique might be used more than any other. Are you less patriotic if you don’t buy American goods? Can a Lexus make you happier than a Honda? Playing to people’s emotions might get them to purchase products or services they might not otherwise buy.

9 Name-calling Negative words are used to create an unfavorable opinion of the competition in the viewer's mind. Who is Burger King taking a shot at here? Who is well known for having a secret sauce in their hamburgers? (McDonald’s)

10 Faulty Cause and Effect and
Faulty cause and effect is a technique that suggests that because B follows A, A must cause B. Remember, just because two events or two sets of data are related does not necessarily mean that one caused the other to happen.

11 Compare & contrast The viewer is led to believe one product is better than another, although no real proof is offered. The Pepsi Taste Test Challenge is a perfect example of this.

12 Compare and Contrast Compare and contrast propaganda is when the viewer is led to believe one product or cause is better than another, although no real proof is offered. Write an example of two products that are often compared and contrasted in commercial advertising. ________________ and ______________

13 Recognizing Propaganda Techniques
Directions: Read each prompt and determine which propaganda technique is being used. More of your friends and neighbors are watching Channel One news than any other news program in the area. If you haven’t tried Channel One, tune in tonight and see what your neighbors know that you don’t know. Shoveling snow is a back-breaking chore– it leaves you with rough, blistered hands and an aching back. Before another cold, snowy winter, do yourself a favor– get a No-Snow Snow blower.

14 A well-known baseball player is pictured with the state governor, who is running for a second term in office. Beneath the picture is this statement: Pitcher Josh Golden will be voting on Tuesday. . . Will you? RE-ELECT GOVERNOR ED CARUSO.

15 Looking for adventure. Fly-Away for two hours every Saturday
Looking for adventure? Fly-Away for two hours every Saturday. Fly-Away instructors will make you a Fly-Away pilot in no time. Come to the Fly-Away classes at McCollum Airport. Famous opera singer Aria Vocal is pictured holding a box of Soothe Throat Lozenges. These words appear: “I can’t afford to miss a performance. That’s why I take Sooth Throat Lozenges.”

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