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What do you want to be when you grow up

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Presentation on theme: "What do you want to be when you grow up"— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective: You will learn the difference between a job, a career, and an occupation.
What do you want to be when you grow up? Why do you think you will enjoy that?

2 Journal What is the difference between a job, a career, and an occupation? How can people develop their careers over time?

3 You will investigate human capital and transferrable skills
Jobs Occupation Law enforcement officer Fill in the graphic organizer. If your occupation were a law enforcement officer, what jobs might you do?

4 Journal Human capital is… Transferrable skills are…

5 You will examine factors that influence career choice.
What do you like to do in your free time? How might that one day lead to a career?

6 Journal Name 3 factors that influence careers.

7 You will explore what standard of living is and examine what your desired standard of living might be What is the minimum amount of “stuff” that you need to be happy? For example, do you need a car to feel you are successful, or would you be able to be happy without one? Is a nice house important to you, or would you be just as happy in a small apartment? What “things” do you need to have in order to be happy?

8 Journal What is a standard of living? How can the amount of money you make affect your standard of living?

9 You will examine how education affects income.
What does standard of living mean? How much money did you need yesterday to get the standard of living you wanted?

10 Journal What do you think is most important when choosing a career?

11 You will examine career clusters you may be interested in.
Get a warm up paper from your teacher. Circle the things in the boxes that you are interested in.

12 Journal What career looked most interesting to you? Why?

13 You will review for a quiz tomorrow
Get a handout from your teacher. Complete it.

14 You will take a quiz. Pretend you are the teacher. Write one question that you think will be on today’s test. Be sure to include the answer.

15 Journal One thing I KNOW comes out of a paycheck is… It is used for…

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