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The Merchant of Venice An Introduction

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1 The Merchant of Venice An Introduction
Shakespeare BA III English Compulsory By Jaspreet Kaur

2 What is drama ? Literary form designed for theater
Actors take the role of characters Perform the action Utter the dialogue

3 Types of Drama Comedy Materials selected and managed to interest and amuse us No great disaster occurs Action turns out happily for chief characters

4 Tragedy Dramatic representation of serious, important action
Turns out disastrously for the chief character Evokes both pity and fear to accomplish catharsis

5 Tragicomedy Combines elements of both tragedy and comedy
Important characters include both people of high degree and low degree Action is serious; threatens disaster Abrupt change of circumstances at the end; ends happily

6 The Merchant of Venice A Tragicomedy
Mingles people of both upper class and lower classes Developing threat to Antonio Sudden reversal at the end Ends happily Prepared by ; Jaspreet kaur , Associate Professor ,Dept. of Eng. PGGC-II , Chandigarh

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