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Current Topics 40S Exam Information

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1 Current Topics 40S Exam Information
Don’t Let This Be You…

2 Your FINAL EXAM for this course is on: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 2017
Your FINAL EXAM for this course is on: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 2017 12:00 – 3:00 PM (No extra time will be given) Please arrive by 11:55 AM) Room 303

3 Family Studies 40S Exam (BB 106)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Time May 29 May 30 May 31 June 1 2 FULL DAY ELA PROVINCIAL EXAM 8:30AM – 3:30PM (106, 107, 202, 205) ELA EXAM 9AM – 1PM IN CLASS ELA EXAM (in class) 5 6 7 8 9 AM In class English 40E Exam English 30E Exam 12 13 14 15 16 LAST DAY OF CLASSES Pre-Cal math 40S Exam 9am-12pm* (209) Essentials Math 40S Exam 9am– 11am* (206, 209,306,311) Applied Math 40S Exam (209, 311) SCHOOL PICNIC (NO EXAMS SCHEDULED) 19 EXAM WEEK BEGINS 20 21 22 23 8:45-11:45 English Trans 40S Exam (JS 202) English 20F Exam (JSh 303 ) English 30S Exam (MG 203, BBr 106) Biology 30S Exam (BM 306, MP 209) Biology 40S Exam (WM 311) EAL Math Exam (DS 303) Chemistry 30S Exam (MM 306/311) Chemistry 40S Exam (MP 206, TV 309) Pre-Cal 30S Exam (KC 204) Applied Math 30S Exam (MD 209) Science 20F Exam (LMy 209, SZ 206 ) Global Issues 40S (JG 107) Family Studies 40S Exam (BB 106) 12:00-3:00 PM Law 40S Exam (AK 107) Science 20E (SZ 306) Psychology 40S Exam (MF 303, JSh 202 ) Pre-Cal 20S Exam (MD, 306) Current Topics 40S Exam (MF 303) Essentials 30S (JM 206, ED 209, CL 1) Physics 30S Exam (LMy 209, TV 206) Physics 40S Exam (MP 209, TV 206) Exam Make Up day

FAILURE TO WRITE THE EXAM WILL RESULT IN A MARK OF 0 FOR THE EXAM The exam is worth 20% of your final mark. CHEATING OF ANY FORM WILL RESULT IN AN AUTOMATIC MARK OF ZERO ON THE EXAM!!! Your exam will cover the topics from the ENTIRE Current Topics 40S course (Sept. – Jan.)

5 WAEC’s Exam Guidelines

6 Total Marks /150 (20% of overall course grade)
Part A: Vocabulary Definitions  (45 marks) Part B:  Multiple Choice  (25 Marks) Part C:  True or False  (25 Marks) Part D: Short Answer  (20 marks) – total of 5 questions Part E: Long Answer-  Reflection and Extension  (30 marks) – must answer one question & pick 2 out of 4 options for a total of 3 questions in total Total Marks /150 (20% of overall course grade)

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