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05/12/17 IEEE CyberSecurity Juan Carlos Olivares Rojas.

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Presentation on theme: "05/12/17 IEEE CyberSecurity Juan Carlos Olivares Rojas."— Presentation transcript:

1 05/12/17 IEEE CyberSecurity Juan Carlos Olivares Rojas

2 05/12/17

3 05/12/17 IEEE Mission Advance technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. The global spirit of collaboration that was fostered by our founders lives at the heart of IEEE today. Presenter, you may also reference the IEEE Vision Statement: Vision statement IEEE will be essential to the global technical community and to technical professionals everywhere, and be universally recognized for the contributions of technology and of technical professionals in improving global conditions. 3

4 05/12/17 Our History Our story of innovation begins with our spirit of collaboration. The public need for increased technological innovation brought our founders together in the spirit of collaboration. Presenter, further historical information for this section can be found here: 4

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9 05/12/17 IEEE Authorship Behind technology are researchers who choose to publish with IEEE and contribute to IEEE conferences. Dr. Deborah Frincke IEEE Senior Member Cyber Security Professional To quote Dr. Frincke: “To make lasting contributions to a discipline, you really need to have an organization like IEEE behind you… Early on, to advance my career, I made use of IEEE conferences.” –Dr. Deborah Frincke, IEEE Senior Member, Cyber Security Professional PHOTO: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 9


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17 05/12/17 Threats Controls

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20 05/12/17 IA M2M

21 05/12/17 Smart Grid

22 05/12/17

23 PHD CyberSecurity Roadmap
05/12/17 PHD CyberSecurity Roadmap Bluetooth SIG MedWG AAMI / UL 2800 Bluetooth SIG MedWG Bluetooth Service create exchange via members in both groups 2017 used by used by PCHA TWG PHD Cybersecurity Team PHD Cybersecurity Whitepaper PCHA TWG create exchange via members in both groups 2016 used by used by IEEE PHD WG IEEE PHD WG IEEE Std XXXXX create 2017 / 2018

24 Desarrollo de Software Auditor de Sistemas Investigación
05/12/17 Mi actividad dentro de Cyber Seguridad Docencia Desarrollo de Software Auditor de Sistemas Investigación asignaturas relacionadas a tópicos de Seguridad: Redes, Sistemas Operativos, Auditoría Informática, Base de Datos, Programación Web, Seguridad Informática Revisión de funcionalidades en Sistemas PREP 24

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28 AESS Conferences and Cyber Security
05/12/17 AESS Conferences and Cyber Security Cyber Security is not central theme or name- related to an AESS conference, but often related topics are Selecting 1-2 AESS conferences to co-locate with panel meetings DASC has related sessions and panel chair is involved with organization ICNS was selected as most suitable for a second conference Based upon topics and tracks of current AESS conferences (consulted with VP conferences) 28 05/12/17

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30 Muchas gracias
05/12/17 Muchas gracias

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