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Hippo Hut.

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Presentation on theme: "Hippo Hut."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hippo Hut

2 Zack is living in a grass hut. The hut is on a hill
Zack is living in a grass hut. The hut is on a hill. There is a cliff along the back. Zack sits on the cliff. A hippo passes by. A hippo? Zack is glad.

3 A hut that lacks hippos is a dull hut!
Zack sings to the hippo. The hippo stops.

4 She zigzags up the hill. She hums along with Zack’s song. They hum and sing. Zack grins.

5 Story from Illustrated by C. Johnson 2008
Created by K12 Handhelds Licensed CC BY SA Story from Illustrated by C. Johnson 2008

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