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Chapter 1.2, 1.3, 12.1 Matter and Element Properties

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1 Chapter 1.2, 1.3, 12.1 Matter and Element Properties
West Valley High School General Chemistry Mr. Mata Bravo! – 15,000 kiloton atomic bomb!!!

2 Standard 1A Students will know how the atomic structure is related to an element’s position on the Periodic Table of Elements.

3 Essential Question How is chemistry used to study the world around us?

4 Introduction Chemistry connects us to the world.
All we see, taste, & touch is matter. Matter makes the world real. Chemistry = study of matter: (properties, composition, how matter interacts). Chemistry involved in many interesting jobs. Making perfumes, colognes, cosmetics. Crime scenes (forensics). Preparing great tasting and safe foods. Developing life-saving drugs.

5 Section 1-1 Chemistry is a physical science.
Chemical = substance with a definite composition. Ex: water is always H2O. Everything made of chemicals.

6 6 Branches of Chemistry Organic Chemistry- study of carbon containing compounds. Example: C6H12O6 (Glucose) Inorganic Chemistry- study of compounds that do not contain carbon. Example: H2O Water. Physical Chemistry- study of properties, changes, & relation of energy and matter.

7 Analytical chemistry- study of components & composition of materials.
Biochemistry- study of living things. Ex: photosynthesis, fermentation Theoretical Chemistry- study of math & computers to design/predict new stuff.

8 Types of Research Basic Research-how and why things work.
Applied Research- solve specific problem. Ex: depletion of the ozone layer. Technological Development- application of science to solve problems. Ex: biodegradable materials

9 Section 1-2 Mass: amount of matter.
Matter: anything with mass & volume Ex: air, smoke, water . Atom: smallest unit of element. Element: made of one kind of atom. Periodic Table contains 118 elements. 92 naturally occurring (found in nature) Other 26 synthetically made.

10 Compound: 2+ elements chemically bonded.
Physical properties: measured without altering material. Ex: MP of ice Extensive Physical Properties: depend on the amount of matter. Ex: mass & length Intensive Physical Properties- does NOT depend on amount of matter. Ex: MP, BP, FP, density, color, crystal shape

11 Physical change - does NOT result in change in identity
Physical change - does NOT result in change in identity. Ex: cutting wire, crushing a solid, gas expanding. Changes in state(S <-> L <-> G) Ex: melting, boiling, freezing. Chemical Properties: undergo changes that alters identity. Ex: reactivity.

12 Chemical change or reaction (rxn); new substance made
Chemical change or reaction (rxn); new substance made. Ex: bread baking, nail rusting, moldy orange Basic Chemical Formula A + B  C A & B are called reactants  is read “yields” = “produces” C is the product (s)

13 4 states of matter Solids: definite shape &volume.
Liquids: definite volume; no definite shape. Gases: no definite volume; no definite shape. Plasma: gaseous system of charged particles.

14 Weight vs. Mass Weight: pull of gravity on object.
Mass: quantity of matter. Astronauts in space experience weightless since gravity changes. Ex: 120 lb person on earth would only weigh 20 lb on moon (1/6th gravity), but would still have a mass of 120 lb.

15 Law of conservation of mass: matter CANNOT be created nor destroyed.
Ex: burning wood, nuclear reactions Law of conservation of energy : energy CANNOT be created nor destroyed, but can be converted. Ex: Kinetic & potential energy.

16 Classification of Matter
Mixture: 2+ kinds of matter; each retains identity & properties; can be separated physically. 2 types of mixtures Homogeneous (solutions); uniform composition. Ex: air, sugar in water, stainless steel. Heterogeneous; not uniform. Ex: granite, wood, blood.

17 Pure substances Compound: made from atoms of 2+ elements that are chemically bonded. Ex: water, salt, sucrose. Cannot be separated physically. Element: made of one pure substance that cannot be broken down. Examples: gold, silver, hydrogen.

18 What is a Solution? Solution = homogeneous mixture of two or more substances. (solute & solvent) Solute = substance being dissolved. Solvent = substance doing the dissolving. Homogeneous mixture = completely dissolved & uniform solute in solvent Aqueous solution = solution in which the solvent is water.

19 Parts of a Solution

20 Homogeneous vs. Heterogeneous
24-karat gold is pure gold = homogeneous 14-karat gold is an alloy (mixture) Au, Ag, Cu = heterogeneous 14-karat gold is 14/24 (58.3%) gold

21 Solubility Terminology
Soluble = substance that can be dissolved. Insoluble = substance that cannot be dissolved. Solubility = measure of how much solute will dissolve in solvent. Miscible = two liquids that dissolve in each other (ex: water & ethanol). Immiscible = two liquids that don’t dissolve in each other(ex: H2O & oil).

22 Immiscible Liquids

23 Solubility Terminology
SATURATED—contains the maximum amount of solute. UNSATURATED—contains less solute than a saturated solution. SUPERSATURATED—contains more solute than it should.

24 Solution Saturations

25 Suspensions Suspension – particles in a solvent are so large that they settle to bottom unless agitated. Ex: muddy water Soil particles will sink to bottom. Can be separated from heterogeneous mixtures by filtering.

26 Colloids Particles are intermediate in size between those in solutions and suspensions. 1 nanometer (nm) to 1000 nm. Cause mixture to look “cloudy”. Ex: mayonnaise Egg yolk keeps the oil droplets dispersed.

27 Ch. 1.2,1.3,12.1 SUTW Prompt Describe how physical and chemical changes differ from each other. Complete an 8-10 sentence paragraph using the SUTW paragraph format. Use green, yellow, pink hilighers. Due Date: Monday, Aug. 22nd at beginning of your regular class.

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