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Symbolism Figure w/ Cardboard

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1 Symbolism Figure w/ Cardboard

2 Judith Kindler Notice the direction of the birds guides the eye through the different sections


4 Symbolic details Crown on Head “rope” around body Standing on stool?

5 Symbolism: the practice of representing things by symbols, or of investing things with a symbolic meaning or character. Rather than the precise equivalents of ideas or emotions, symbols can be more mysterious, ambiguous suggestions of meanings.

6 What you will need: A photo of a figure Photo(s) of a symbol(s) Use these to design a composition using various sized cardboard panels

7 Things to Consider How will the figure interact with the symbol?
How many and what layout of panels will be most effective? Variation of size? How many times will the symbol appear? What size? How will the watercolor technique support or interact with the figure/ symbol elements?

8 Watercolor/ Mixed Media Technique
Cardboard panels (can be torn) White gesso (areas, splatters, white accents) gray watercolor

9 Thumbnail Take photos of figure & symbols Turn photos to black and white and adjust contrast PRINT figure full page or more. Use pieces of cardboard to create an arrangement and place your printed figure overtop. Then, using this as a reference, sketch your overall thumbnail idea including figure, cardboard panels, and object(s) Project & Working with Media Finalize location of panels and then transfer figure to panels. Freehand draw on object(s) Choose area to prep with gesso Watercolor the image Finish with any gesso that needs to go on top

10 “Bird Catcher” “Crowned Girl” “Protect”

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