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Year 7 Activity day Friday 14th and Monday 17th September

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1 Year 7 Activity day Friday 14th and Monday 17th September
All of the new year 7 students have taken part in an activity day at the Pavilion. The students with their form tutors and support staff completed a range of team building activities such as caterpillar tracks, shelter building, pipe game and spiders web to name a few. As well as team challenges students completed individual skills such as archery and a climbing wall. Throughout the day students worked with each other problem solving by listening to each others ideas and taking guidance from the instructors and their teachers. The students had an enthusiastic approach even when the weather was putting a damper on things. Lunch time gave the students time to chat with other form groups and friendships were initiated as students got to know each other better. Feedback from the students, teachers and staff from CI Adventures was very positive with all the challenges being completed and many in record times. Teams were awarded points for their house as they completed the challenges which lead to a healthy competition between the forms.

2 Students are now eagerly awaiting the results of the house competition which will be announced in our Celebration assembly this week.

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