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C100 and Math: Does participation in Counseling 100 increase De Anza district students’ success in math classes? Client: Andrew LaManque Presenter: Dan.

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Presentation on theme: "C100 and Math: Does participation in Counseling 100 increase De Anza district students’ success in math classes? Client: Andrew LaManque Presenter: Dan."— Presentation transcript:

1 C100 and Math: Does participation in Counseling 100 increase De Anza district students’ success in math classes? Client: Andrew LaManque Presenter: Dan Littman

2 Impediments to Answering:
Data on groups only—no way to evaluate impact on individuals. Multiple noncontiguous sets of boundaries—school districts, census tracts and Zip codes. Nevertheless, some results can be discerned—75 percent of C100 students passed math, while only about 50 percent of non-C100 students passed.

3 The Analysis Process: bay_zip Select school_zip LaManque data Join
New fields: C100M_Pass, NC100M_Pass Spatial query Map: C100-Pass C100-NoPass





8 For Deeper Analysis: Start with anonymized data on individual students, including: high school of origin; Census tract of origin; socioeconomic status. Avoid misaligned information by not using Zip codes to segment data.

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