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BELLWORK: Cold War Political Ideologies

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1 BELLWORK: Cold War Political Ideologies
In one sentence, summarize the main idea of liberalism. In one sentence, summarize the main idea of conservatism. Brainstorm a list of things you know about communist ideology. In one sentence, summarize the main idea of socialism. How is this different than communism? How does Maoism differ from traditional Marxism? THINKER: Which ideologies can be categorized as left-wing and right-wing?


3 Communist Ideology Brainstorm
Response to problems brought on by capitalism Advocates revolutionary action! Necessary for radical change! Classless/stateless society Collective ownership of means of production Marxist theory argues that communism could NOT emerge directly from a capitalist state  socialism first! Free society with no divisions or oppression  no need for government! Communism aims to create a world where each person gives according to their abilities and receives according to their needs. Discuss  What problems exist within communist ideology???

4 Discussion: Right wing vs. Left wing
Which ideologies can be categorized as left-wing and right-wing? What similarities exist between extreme left and right political factions?

5 Political/Economic Ideologies Review Skits
Your task….. The groups……. In a group of three, create a skit that demonstrates understanding of a specific political/economic ideology. Your skit should emphasize: Role of civilians Role of government This is review! Make sure it is clear and easy to understand! Be ready to answer questions! Liberalism Conservativism Socialism Marxism Maoism Fascism Capitalism

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