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The KL reconstruction for the Belle experiment at KEK B-factory

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1 The KL reconstruction for the Belle experiment at KEK B-factory
Dec 3, Mitsuhiro YAMAGA Osaka Univ.

2 Introduction Primary goal of the Belle experiment : B0J/y+KL decay :
Study of the origin of CP-violation in the B decays. B0J/y+KL decay : One of the most important mode for the measurement of the CP-violation parameter, sin2f1. Good confirmation of the Standard Model together with the B0J/y+KS decay. KL information for the event full reconstruction : Missing-energy, event vetoing.

3 KL/m detector (KLM) Sandwich of iron plate and RPC (Resistive Plate Chamber). Hadron shower detector. 15(14) layers. Energy not measurable. Position only.

4 RPC module structure Endcap Barrel
Double-side strip-readout for X-Y position determination in each RPC layer module. Endcap Barrel

5 ECL (Electromagnetic calorimeter)
8376 CsI(Tl) crystals in front of the solenoid magnet. 5.5 x 5.5 x 30 cm tower-shape. ~1 nuclear interaction length.

6 KL reconstruction KL candidates : Neutral hadron showers in KLM and/or ECL. Classification of KL candidates : KLM candidates : KLM hits associated. KLM+ECL KLM-only ECL candidates : No KLM hits. Main background : g , p

7 KLM candidates (1) 1. Clustering the KLM hits Charged-track vetoing. KLM cluster direction less than 15 degree  charged cluster Charged track direction Combine nearby hits. Extrapolate the charged track.

8 KLM candidates (2) Determination of the KL candidate direction.
(KLM-only) (KLM+ECL) # of hit layer >= 1 # of hit layer >= 2 neutral cluster Less than 15 degree  ECL cluster direction

9 Performance of KLM candidate
Single-KL Monte Carlo simulation Detection efficiency Strongly depends on the momentum. No incident-angle dependence. Angular resolution ~3 deg for KLM ~1.5 deg for KLM+ECL (FWHM) Satisfy our requirement. PKL dependency q dependency pKL(GeV/c) (cosq) KLM+ECL KLM only f(meas-gen)(degree) f(meas-gen)(degree) (figures by S.Kumar)

10 ECL candidates (1) Likelihood analysis using 5 discriminants.  signal
distance to the closest track cluster energy E9/E25 (cm) (GeV) signal background cluster width cluster mass (cm) (GeV/c2) (figures by I. Higuchi)

11 ECL candidates (2) S/B FOM (=S/ S+B ) Likelihood signal
Likelihood requirement Likelihood requirement signal Background (normalized) (figures by I. Higuchi)

12 B0J/y+KL reconstruction
pB* : B0 momentum in the U4S rest frame KLM candidate ECL candidate (GeV/c) (GeV/c) 2332 candidates in 140fb-1 CP fitting result : sin2f1= 0.80 0.13(stat.) (by I. Higuchi)

13 Summary B0J/y+KL : KL in the event full reconstruction :
Important tool for the confirmation of the SM. KL in the event full reconstruction : Important for the missing energy or event vetoing. KLM : Hadron shower detector for KL. KL reconstruction algorithm : KLM and/or ECL : Simple cut criteria + likelihood method. Achieved to measure the B0J/y+KL decay, and obtained the CP violation parameter, sin2f1= 0.80  0.13(stat.)

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