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College Catalog System

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Presentation on theme: "College Catalog System"— Presentation transcript:

1 College Catalog System
Welcome Mr. Brian Smith Ms. Lisa Veino Ms. Kate Zimmerman College Catalog System

2 College Catalog System
Team Members Team Leader: Charles Flood Sub-Group Leader: Gus Weloth System Admin: Evan Drosky Webmaster: Sean Fallon Librarian: Michael Haddad We are using the Controlled Decentralized Organizational team structure. Our team consists of a single team leader, who is in charge of supervising the work structure and flow for the other team members. Each team member will have their own responsibilities, but we will solve the problems encountered together as a whole. Initech College Catalog System

3 College Catalog System
Detailed Design RB 328 – March 1, 2005 Today’s Presenters Charles Flood: Introduction and Conclusion Gus Weloth: Prototypes Michael Haddad: Database Design Evan Drosky: Testing Initech College Catalog System

4 College Catalog System
Prototypes Initech College Catalog System

5 College Catalog System
Initech College Catalog System

6 College Catalog System
Initech College Catalog System

7 College Catalog System
Initech College Catalog System

8 College Catalog System
Initech College Catalog System

9 College Catalog System
Initech College Catalog System

10 College Catalog System
Initech College Catalog System

11 College Catalog System
Initech College Catalog System

12 College Catalog System
Initech College Catalog System

13 College Catalog System
Database Design Initech College Catalog System

14 Personnel and School of Science Tables
Initech College Catalog System

15 College Catalog System
Testing Testing of the software package can be considered one of the most important phases of the development process. Once the project has passed the design stage, it is important to thoroughly test the system in order to correct any design flaws that were previously overlooked. We are going to test the College Catalog system for the three different types of users (Department Heads, Administers, and Academic Affairs) that are going to be working with the system. Initech College Catalog System

16 College Catalog System
Sample Test Forms Login Test Form Initech College Catalog System

17 More Test Forms Department Head Welcome Screen Initech
College Catalog System

18 College Catalog System
Project Plan Waterfall Model: Software Plan Requirement Specifications Preliminary Design Detailed Design Acceptance Test Initech College Catalog System

19 College Catalog System
Development Schedule Key Dates to Remember Acceptance Test Presentation – April 26th Academic Celebration – April 29th Software Engineering Party – May 5th To give a representation of the first three stages of the waterfall model, with respect to time, we have created a Gantt chart. A Gantt chart provides a graphical illustration of a schedule that helps to plan, coordinate, and track specific tasks in a project. We have tasks such as client meetings, dead lines for documentation, dates for presentations for each project stage, and a break when we will not be able to do work. During the spring phase of our software plan, we will create another Gantt chart for the last two phases of the project. Initech College Catalog System

20 College Catalog System
Summary Any Questions? The purpose of today’s presentation was to get everyone on the same page for the project that you, our clients have requested Initech College Catalog System

21 College Catalog System
Thank You Initech College Catalog System

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