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Presentation on theme: "THE PENTATEUCH NUMBERS."— Presentation transcript:


2 NUMBERS The census 1st census was at Sinai
Men 20 yrs and up = 603,550 (excluding Levi) Total could easily exceed 2 million people Only 2 of these men, Joshua and Caleb would enter Canaan.

3 NUMBERS The Nazarite Vow 2 Silver Trumpets Taste not fruit of vineyard
Could not cut his hair Must not come in contact with any dead person 2 Silver Trumpets 2 trumpets sound for all Israel to gather 1 trumpet sound for princes to gather

4 NUMBERS En Route to Kadesh Barnea (Distance of less than 200 miles)
The Continuing Cloud Lord continually leads A Murmuring crowd Complaining of their diet Moses' Heavy Burden 70 chosen to help with the people

5 NUMBERS Sinai to Kadesh Quails sent for meat
Plaque sent because of complaints Aaron and Miriam Question Moses God defends Moses as friend God rebukes them Miriam smote with leprosy

6 NUMBERS Israel at Kadesh-Barnea 12 sent to spy out the land
The majority report We can’t take the land The minority report Let’s go at once and possess the land The vote of the people We won’t go

7 NUMBERS Israel From Kadesh-Barnea 10 spies struck dead
2 spies remain alive (Joshua and Caleb) Not one person above 20 will enter the land 40 years of wandering is determined by God Israel changes mind and attempts to enter Soundly defeated by enemy

8 NUMBERS Israel’s Wanderings Korah challenges Moses’ Authority
250 swallowed by the earth 14,700 die of plaque Aaron’s rod budded God selects whom He will Red Heifer Slain Cleansing for defiled Israelite

9 NUMBERS Israel’s Wanderings Miriam dies Moses Angered
Strikes rock Forfeits right to promised land Aaron stripped of garments Aaron dies

10 NUMBERS Israel’s Wanderings Poisonous serpents sent as judgment
People repent Cure provided Serpent lifted up People look and live Jesus tells story to Nicodemus

11 NUMBERS Balak hires Baalam God warns Baalam Balak increases offer
Balaam warned by donkey Error of Balaam Thought God would curse His people Doctrine of Balaam Cast a stumbling block

12 NUMBERS Joshua anointed as new leader Cities of refuge established
Moses 3 sermons 1. Splendor of God, sins of Israel 2. The law repeated 3. Blessings and Cursings of the law


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