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Battles in South Carolina

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1 Battles in South Carolina

2 I. 1st Battle of Charleston
The British Navy comes down and plans to fire on the city until they surrender. Ft. Moultrie is built on Sullivan’s Island out of palmetto logs and sand. British ships get stuck on sand bars. Cannon balls bounce off the fresh wood and the British are defeated.

3 II. 2nd Battle of Charleston
British are defeated at Saratoga, NY. France becomes allies with the US. British decide to go fight in the South again. The British blockade and lay siege to Charleston. Patriot troops are trapped and the city surrenders in May of 1781.

4 II. 2nd Battle of Charleston

5 II. 2nd Battle of Charleston
The British hoped the large number of Loyalists would help them control the state. Mistreated many South Carolinians by: Making them kill other South Carolinians. Burning churches. Looting homes

6 II. 2nd Battle of Charleston
Many turn into Patriots and start to fight the British using guerilla warfare. Francis Marion (Swamp Fox) Andrew Pickens (Wizard Owl) Thomas Sumter (Gamecock)

7 III. Battle of Camden The Continental Army had more men, but fewer supplies and training than the British. The Americans broke and ran away.

8 III. Battle of Camden

9 III. Battle of Camden Command of the Continental Army switched from Horatio Gates to Nathaniel Greene. He knew partisans & army had to work together. This was a major defeat for the Americans b/c the British now controlled nearly all of SC.

10 IV. Battle of King’s Mountain
Loyalists and the British had been causing chaos in the backcountry. Men from North & South Carolina ambushed from behind rocks and trees. Huge loses for the British. The British were not allowed to surrender in retaliation for the trouble they caused.

11 IV. Battle of King’s Mountain

12 V. Battle of Cowpens A battle that finally had cooperation between the partisans and the army. Pickens knew the British thought the militia would always run away. The militia was to fire at the British and then pretend to run away.

13 V. Battle of Cowpens

14 V. Battle of Cowpens

15 V. Battle of Cowpens When the British followed the Continental Army was waiting and shot them down. Gen. Cornwallis took his troops into NC and then onto Virginia. Most of SC, except Charleston, was taken back by the Americans.

16 VI. Colonel Isaac Hayne He was captured when the British took Charleston. Granted his parole and went home. Rejoined the army to get medicine for his family. Was recaptured and hanged as a traitor. He was used as an example by the British to deter other Americans. Gen. Greene said he would kill British prisoners if it happened.

17 VII. Battle of Eutaw Springs
Americans under Gen Greene found British troops looking for food. The Americans attacked, drove the British to retreat. The Americans stopped to loot and steal from the British instead of chasing them.

18 VII. Battle of Eutaw Springs
It was claimed an American victory b/c of the large numbers of British deaths. The British Southern Campaign is finally over.

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