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The “out” and “in” of Sanctification

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Presentation on theme: "The “out” and “in” of Sanctification"— Presentation transcript:

1 The “out” and “in” of Sanctification
Believer’s Role “out” God’s Role “in”

2 The “out” and “in” of Sanctification – Part 1
Believer’s Role - Philippians 2:12 Work out calls for constant energy effort necessary to finish task a sustainable energy

3 The “out” and “in” of Sanctification – Part 1
Believer’s Role How do we work “out” salvation Understand Christ’s example – so then 1 John 2:6 Understand that you are loved – my beloved; comfort & encouragement

4 The “out” and “in” of Sanctification – Part 1
How do you work “out” salvation? Understand Obedience – just as you have always obeyed; placing under what is heard Understand Personal Responsibilities – not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence; presence verses absence

5 The “out” and “in” of Sanctification – Part 1
How do you work “out” salvation? Understand the Consequences of Sin -work out your salvation with fear & trembling; refers to our spiritual weakness and the power of temptation. Personal conduct Corinthians 9:24-27 Perseverance - Colossians 1:29

6 The “out” and “in” of Sanctification – Part 1
Application #1 How are your “work outs?” Do you understand ….. your example that you are loved obedience personal responsibility consequences of sin

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