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Sing Praise to the God of Israel

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1 Sing Praise to the God of Israel
A Collection of Lutheran Music ‘Lutheran Service Book’ Edition Hymn #936 Sing Praise to the God of Israel Text: Stephen P. Starke, b. 1955 DEN SIGNEDE DAG Tune: Christoph E. F. Weyse, PowerPoint Production © 2009 Donald L. Vossler

2 #936 - Sing Praise to the God of Israel
[1] Sing ****** ** *** *** ** Israel! Sing ****** *** *** visitation! Redeeming *** ****** **** ***** sin, Accomplishing ***** salvation, Upraising * ****** **** within The ***** ** *** ******* David!

3 #936 - Sing Praise to the God of Israel
[2] God ***** ** *** ******** **** ago, His ******* ** **** recalling-- To ******* **** ** ****** years: Of *********** **** appalling, That ***** ** ********* **** ***** fears Might ****** *** ***** ***** Him.

4 #936 - Sing Praise to the God of Israel
[3] You, *****, **** ** ** ****** *** Lord As *******, *** *** preparing; To ***** ** ****** ** *** **** High, His ******* ** ***** declaring: Rich ***** *** ***** *** *** whereby Iniquity ** forgiven.

5 #936 - Sing Praise to the God of Israel
[4] O ******, ****** ***, *** ***** ** us In **** ** illumination; Come ******* *** ****** ** *** *** death And ******* ***** domination. Be ******* *** ********* ** *** path Of *****, ** **** ******** dawning!

6 A Collection of Lutheran Music
Text: © 1992 Stephen P. Starke admin. Concordia Publishing House Tune: Public Domain PowerPoint Production © 2009 Donald L. Vossler

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