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WG ESA guidance document

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1 WG ESA guidance document
Welcome to Stockholm Resilience Centre – Research for Governance of Social-Ecological Systems WG ESA guidance document Henrik Scharin, Kevin Brady & Ida Ringdal WGE ESA, Bryssel, October 21-22 1

2 Deposition Introduction
Chapter 1: economic sectors included in the analysis Chapter 2: analysis of water use Chapter 3: BAU scenario (Kevin) Chapter 4: cost of degradation (Ida) Annexes

3 Introduction Purpose and status of document
Few changes, mainly shortened Recommendations of detail included

4 Chapter 1 The role of socio-economic analysis in the MSFD
The different steps of the MSFD Description of the DPSIR framework Definitions

5 Chapter 2: analysis of water use
Ecosystem service & marine water account approach Different types of uses How the 2 approaches captures the different uses Pressures and Impacts Recommendations on level of detail Suggestions for discussion points w.r.t. Chapter. 2

6 Annexes to the guidance document
A: Article 8 B: Resilience C: Spatial and temporal aspects! D: GES descriptors E: Pressures and impacts (annex III, MSFD) Annex describing different approaches removed

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