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Managers Induction Night 9 th July 2013/2014 Season.

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Presentation on theme: "Managers Induction Night 9 th July 2013/2014 Season."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managers Induction Night 9 th July 2013/2014 Season

2 Agenda Huddersfield League structure Signing on form Player ID card requirements Match report forms Club signing on Pre match day process WRCFA Training Courses Child Protection Fundraising Club and team Web site Equipment and container AOB Questions and Suggestions

3 Huddersfield League signing on form All these forms can be downloaded from the Huddersfield League Website – Official Forms link

4 Make sure you stick your players photos to the sheet and provide a SAE so they can mail them back to you Huddersfield League Player ID cards

5 Huddersfield match report form Must arrive with your age group secretary by Wed after Sunday game White copy to league (along with opposition blue copy), Blue copy to opposition, yellow copy to you and pink copy to referee.

6 Fines WILL be issued for late match reports and incorrect completion of the sheets. Match report sheets must be posted back after the game to arrive by Wed Failure to complete a fixture without a valid reason (school trip) will see the game awarded to the opposition (the league must be told 3 or 4 weeks in advance) Fixture times must be kept too, U16s and U17s must kick off at 2:00pm Player ID cards must be taken to all games and shown Results are texted back to the FA (text will be sent to you and you reply) Home Score-Away Score. H-W = Home win, A-W = Away win. P-P for postponed games due to the weather or pitch unplayable. Huddersfield League points to remember

7 Club signing on form, bottom part to the Treasurer and top half to the Secretary. Remember NO PAY – NO PLAY!

8 Pre match day process Contact with opposition to be made on the Monday night before the Sunday game, to discuss KO time, directions, team colours etc. Referee to be booked (details of some on the managers page on web site) Confirmation of pitch to be played on by Paul Dobbin Information on game to be sent to players and parents Match day process Pitch to be set up (nets, corner flags etc.) if ground unplayable contact opposition early. Check pitch for any H&S issues. Mark lines if required Complete match report form (blue copy to visitors, pink to ref, yellow for you and white to be sent to league) Take down and put away tidily nets etc. into the container.

9 WRCFA Training and Courses Its vital that your training courses are kept up to date (Safeguarding and First aid). Safeguarding if completed on line is free for a certain time period, see John King details. ( With effect from 1st August 2013 The FA will only accept The FA Emergency Aid (EA) or FA Basic First Aid for Sport certificates as a pre- requisite on FA coaching courses and for FA Charter Standard purposes). The club has to attend 2 WRCFA in service training events per season as part of our Charter Standard. Please check the County web site for information Some past events have been around pre season training, 11 v 11 attacking forms of play. They are presented by very experienced coaches, and ideas are always to be gained from these events.

10 WRCFA Training and Courses cont….. All new coaches must have their level 1 qualification. The club needs coaches to achieve the FA Youth Module 1 and 2 (hopefully running courses in Halifax soon which are free) details on WRCFA web site. Please register if you have not already done so on the WRCFA web site for your FAN no and forward onto John King. Joining the FA Licensed Coach's Club is now free and opens up a lot of free coaching information.

11 Child Protection Policy Greetland Goldstars Junior Football Club aims to provide the safest environment possible for all children who train and play for the club. The safety and well being of any child that we come in contact with is our first priority. The club adheres to the Football Association guidelines on all matters concerning child protection and all Managers, Coaches and Assistants are certified and registered with the West Riding F.A to ensure their suitability to supervise children. Football Association quote Non action is not an option

12 Stuart Blagbrough is the clubs Child Welfare Officer Tel No 01422 379539, mobile 07832 232496, e-mail All coaches, assistants and managers must have an up to date CRB card CRB applications can be completed on line (details on the clubs web site under managers page) The club is looking to set up a Youth Committee (Under 13s upwards) so that players can re represented at the club meetings and would also like to get together about 15 players, as the WRCFA will run a free Junior Youth Leaders course for the club.(this will count towards DoE and help with school studies, Stuart is leading this).

13 FA Charter Standard As a Charter Standard Club we always need to present ourselves in a professional and well run manner, which means all members of Greetland Goldstars behaving responsibly both on and off the field. Remember that you are representing the club and the FA may be watching YOU The club motto is To win fairly and lose with honour The club is working towards gaining the FA Community Standard award, but needs girls teams. WRCFA will be working with us next year to run after school sessions for girls, so that we can start some teams up and thus gain our standard.

14 FA Respect Respect is the collective responsibility of everyone involved in football to create a fair, safe and enjoyable environment in which the game can take place. Respect club Codes of Conduct Designated Spectator Areas (barrier in container, should we buy another??) Captain taking responsibility Referee managing the game In The FAs annual Grassroots Survey 56 per cent of respondents reported that their experience of the game had improved as a result of measures introduced through the Respect programme - up from 40 per cent.

15 Funds and Fundraising The club will cover the following costs Pitch hire Winter training (to the value of £35 per week) Footballs (match and training) Referee fees (for teams using external/league-provided referees on a weekly basis) CRB checks for all managers, coaches and assistants FA Courses for managers, coaches and helpers: Level 1 and modules for First Aid, Safeguarding Children (child protection/welfare) and Football For All (equality) Training and match equipment (stored in the club container) Mini soccer goals (including repairs and new purchases) Netting for full size goals/ground pegs Presentation night trophies

16 Funds and Fundraising As a team manager/coach, you should be aware that your team will need to source funds for the following: Playing strip (including goalkeeper kit) Training wear (including shower jackets, tracksuits, sweat tops etc.) Trips away Tournaments (the club will pay for one per season)

17 Funds and Fundraising Important information regarding club finances The clubs main sources of income are 1) subscriptions and 2) fundraising The club is an unsustainable entity in a period where costs rise annually, fundraising remains unsupported and external support sources are decreasing…IF things stay as they are. In 2012-13, the club introduced a new fundraising strategy; whilst some parts worked well, some didnt and support for events actually decreased last season despite making a club record amount. Despite fundraising contributing around £9,000 last season, this was an exception, not the rule, in comparison to a typical season. Last seasons fundraising could be seen as extraordinary but without the Sportsmans Dinner wed have generated a typical amount and more than likely would have faced a deficit in funds.

18 Funds and Fundraising What were doing to further safeguard the clubs future… Increase in subscription fees. Some subs still owing from last season. Pushing through with plans for the long-term lease of Goldfields. Slight rethink on fundraising to increase flexibility etc. Continuation of sourcing external, club-wide sponsorship and other income streams such as funding programmes (e.g. McDonalds Kickstart). As a manager/coach, remember: We need to support the club as well as your team! Ensure subs are collected on time, market social/fundraising events in your team etc. Almost everything the club uses has a cost. Theres no endless cash reserves and financing must come from somewhere. This isnt a money or profit making exercise. The money generated over the season goes on ensuring our boys and girls have… the best possible experience in junior football at a fantastic club!

19 The clubs web site a great source of information There is now a separate managers page with all the information you will need (password protected, TMgold40 case sensitive). Please encourage your parents to look at our web site, it will have all the fixtures and results for all the teams. Any team sponsors should be included on the appropriate age groups page All web site updates should be sent to Nigel so they can be included Club Web site

20 Equipment and Container use Equipment in the container is for the clubs use only and not to be removed from site. Please use the metal hoops only for the Mini soccer goals (7 per goal) Put all parts back in the mini soccer bags and do not drag them across the ground (2 man carry if possible). Make sure 11 aside pegs are put back in the net bags. (can anyone purchase some of them) Make sure all equipment is put back in the container in the correct place and not just thrown into the container. All broken or missing equipment should be reported to either John King or a member of the committee.

21 AOB Questions and suggestions??

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