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Summary: steps for Project 0 submission

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1 Summary: steps for Project 0 submission
System prep: add following to .cshrc setenv CVSROOT /afs/umbc.edu/users/y/p/ypeng/pub/cs341f12/Proj0 // root for CVS repository for Proj 0 // need to change for each project set path = ( $path /afs/umbc.edu/users/y/p/ypeng/pub/341/bin ) // path for cvs utility scripts setenv JAVA_HOME /usr/local/jdk1.6.0 set path = ($JAVA_HOME/bin $PATH) July 2011 CMSC 341 CVS/Ant

2 Summary: steps for submission
Checkout CVS repository cvs checkout MyProj0 username // create directory MyProj0 // build,xml and a junk file checked out to MyProj0 Create directories src and src/proj0 under MyProj0 Write your Proj0.java at src/proj0 first line of Proj0.java MUST be package proj0; Modify build.xml to be consistent with your proj0 directory structure <property name="main.class" value="packageNames.ClassName"/> July 2011 CMSC 341 CVS/Ant

3 Summary: steps for submission
Remove junk file from your CVS repository cvs remove –f junk_file1.txt Check in modified build file and commit it cvs add build.xml cvs commit –m “” build.xml Check in directories src and src/proj0 cvs add src cvs add src/proj0 // cvs add for directories commit them by default Check in Proj0.java cvs add src/proj0/Proj0.java cvs commit –m “” src/proj0/Proj0.java July 2011 CMSC 341 CVS/Ant

4 Summary: steps for submission
Testing Local testing before checking in files: Using javac and java Using ant run After checking in Using cvs utilities cvsbuild cvsrun July 2011 CMSC 341 CVS/Ant

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