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Member Recognition Program (MRP)

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Presentation on theme: "Member Recognition Program (MRP)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Member Recognition Program (MRP)
Membership Recruitment by _____________________________ Region Training Conference 2018 Name, Position

2 Who Can be Recognized All Key Club members are eligible to apply for MRP! Levels: bronze, silver, gold, platinum The rubrics include the different requirements. Members eligible will recieve district- wide recognition and a certificate.

3 The Rubric

4 The Rubric Explained RTC, OTC, etc. Kiwanis DCM, Circle K
Banquet, K-Kids meeting, etc. Any event hosted by another Key Club or Kiwanis Family organization.

5 More Explanations DCMs, Service Events, Etc. DCON, Fall Rally ICON
Articles and visuals submitted for use in the District Newsletter.

6 And More! $5.40 $36.00 $90.00 $180.00 The total funds raised from the event divided by the number of members who participated in the fundraiser.

7 Encourage Members Make sure to encourage all your members to qualify for MRP by informing them of the requirements! Set bi-annual celebrations for members that have met a certain level of the MRP.

8 How to Keep a Record Hours and events will be counted from
April 13, 2018 to January 31, 2019. Members can keep track of their own hours and events, but it must be verified by club president or secretary AND Kiwanis or Faculty Advisor before submission.

9 Secretaries, Club MR Coordinators, or other designated MRP person will utilize the MRP tab in the Club MRF to note what each member has done and compile a club master list. The club master list should be sent to your respective LTG. LTG will compile a division master MRP list using an Excel File to send into the District.

10 The Guidelines

11 Questions? Comments? Concerns?

12 Acknowledgements The CNH Key Club District would like to acknowledge the following individuals who have contributed to this presentation over the years. Carissa Yen, Member Recognition Committee Chair, Julieann Bui, Division 36 West Lieutenant Governor, Jasmine Wong, Member Recognition Committee Chair, Austin Ly, Division 35 West Lieutenant Governor, Arashdeep Sahota, D14 Lieutenant Governor, Giselle Kim, Member Recognition Committee Chair, Christopher Soo-Hoo, Division 19 North Lieutenant Governor, Ricky Ta, Division 6 South Lieutenant Governor, Michelle Ng, Member Recognition Committee Chair, Charlotte Wood, Member Recognition Committee Chair, Annaleigh Nguyen, Member Recognition Committee Chair,

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