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Fulton Middle School May 2015 Board Report.

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Presentation on theme: "Fulton Middle School May 2015 Board Report."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fulton Middle School May 2015 Board Report

2 Spring 2015 April Staff Meeting Getting to Know You
Prioritized Feedback

3 Spring 2015 Parent Welcome Letter Staff Feedback Form
Family Feedback Form Interviewing for Staff Worked with guidance counselors and staff to develop draft schedule (counseling form) ELA book study Meet and Greet StuCo (feedback, PBS) Establish FMS Twitter

4 May 2015 PLC training with lead team, planning for summer and fall
Meet and Greet with families Individual meetings with staff members

5 Looking at the Feedback
Student climate survey done in February Staff BAT survey (PLC Benchmark Alignment Tool) Hook Center survey Family feedback Staff feedback

6 Culture and Climate Effective behavior support system Celebrations
Positivity Mutual respect Morale boosters for students and staff Communication Trust Accountability Visibility Consistency, consistency, consistency

7 Family and Community Engagement
Communication Trust Volunteers/PTO 2.0 Involve local stakeholders Family engagement nights Showcase the amazing Partnership vs. Come if We Call

8 Student Engagement Effective utilization of intervention block “What I Need” Effective curriculum, assessment and instructional methods Morale boost for students and staff Relevant, rigorous, engaging lessons

9 Next Steps Meet and Greet Continued work with Lead Team
Leadership Framework PBS, Family/Community Engagement, RTI Availability to staff, students and parents throughout summer Staff/Faculty Retreat 6th Grade Hornet Camp

10 Leadership Framework Each building team represented on each focus team
PBS RTI Family and Community Involvement Building Leadership Team PLC Lead Team

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