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Welcome! Please check-in and sit with your small group.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Please check-in and sit with your small group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Please check-in and sit with your small group.

2 Opening Prayer

3 Volunteer Ticket Winners
Volunteer Ticket Winners! January – Davey Young February – Mickayla Rath Congrats!

4 Quiz (on Lesson 25) I LOVE QUIZZES! ME TOO!

5 Communion Quiz!  1. What is the Passover? A Jewish celebration.
A huge highway interchange. A Pentecost celebration. None of the above. Communion Quiz!

6 Communion Quiz!  2. A Sacrament: Is the 4th commandment
Combines elements & the Word Can only be done at church None of the above Communion Quiz!

7 Communion Quiz!  3. The Eucharist is: A euchre player.
Another name for communion. A Pastor. None of the above. Communion Quiz!

8 4. What’s the significance of the unleavened bread during the Exodus?
Yeast takes time to rise. Jews were in a hurry. God commanded it. All of the above. Communion Quiz!

9 5. True or false: Jesus is both the Lamb and Good Shepherd.
5. True or false: Jesus is both the Lamb and Good Shepherd. Communion Quiz!

10 6. True or false: Christ’s body and blood are present in the bread and wine during Holy Communion. Communion Quiz!

11 7. True or false: Eternal life is a benefit of Holy Communion.
7. True or false: Eternal life is a benefit of Holy Communion. Communion Quiz!

12 8. True or false: Jesus’ Last Supper was after His resurrection.
8. True or false: Jesus’ Last Supper was after His resurrection. Communion Quiz!

13 Today’s Lesson Sacraments – Communion – Take & Eat

14 Read 1 Cor. 10:17 Drawing Activity:
On your worksheet, draw what a typical family meal looks like in your house. Draw where your family sits, your favorite meal, and what you talk about.

15 Read Small Catechism pg. 20
How does the fourth petition relate to Holy Communion? How does Christ’s body and blood nourish us?

16 Read John 6:48-51 Christ calls Himself the “Bread of Life.”
How could you explain this to a friend who doesn’t know Jesus?

17 Read Small Catechism pg. 234
Questions Does Christ’s body and blood replace the bread and wine in Holy Communion? Do people receive the body and blood in the Sacrament, whether or not they believe?

18 Test Study Guide Final Test Tues, May 8
It will cover lessons from Sept. – Apr. Multiple choice, true or false, short answer, and short essay

19 With your small group: Share: Your highs and lows from the week
Write down prayer requests Choose a confirmand to pray later

20 Reminders! Flower City Work Camp (Apr. 2-6)
Need parents to lead Jr. FLY Activity Night on Apr. 13! 15 sermon notes & 15 service hours due May 1st! Kahoot Review on May 1st!

21 Upcoming Sunday Night FLY’s!

22 Have a wonderful week! Go in peace and serve the Lord!

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