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MARCH 06, 2018 OBJECTIVE – Students will describe the local effects of climate change in different areas of the United States. WARM-UP – You will need.

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Presentation on theme: "MARCH 06, 2018 OBJECTIVE – Students will describe the local effects of climate change in different areas of the United States. WARM-UP – You will need."— Presentation transcript:

1 MARCH 06, OBJECTIVE – Students will describe the local effects of climate change in different areas of the United States. WARM-UP – You will need your electronic device or assigned lap top to log on to my weebly site. Go to Unit 3, Climate Change. Look for “Jigsaw Articles.” You will be assigned an number that matched the article number listed on weebly. Read the article and record all information in your lab notebook. Your substitute will give you the information sheet once you have read the article. HOMEWORK – Complete Article Information (Handout is on weebly. Last few pages of the attached file)

2 AGENDA – Read assigned article from weebly, Unit 3, Climate Change and respond to the information requested. This is done in your lab notebook.

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