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Evolutionary History -Charles Darwin is known as the father of evolution, but the idea of evolution through natural selection would not have happened without.

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Presentation on theme: "Evolutionary History -Charles Darwin is known as the father of evolution, but the idea of evolution through natural selection would not have happened without."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evolutionary History -Charles Darwin is known as the father of evolution, but the idea of evolution through natural selection would not have happened without the influence of two other ideas Thomas Malthus -An economist, he proposed the idea that there were limited resources and that once resources ran out, a population would level out -this lead to the idea of “survival of the fittest” where only the individuals with favorable adaptations would survive and those without would not

2 Evolutionary History Charles Lyell and James Hutton
-Both geologists, they proposed the idea of uniformitarianism as opposed to catastrophism -Uniformitarianism … -This idea allowed for the process of speciation because it dated the Earth as very old and provided the amount of time needed for new organisms to evolve

3 Evolutionary History -conclusions about evolutionary relationships (macroevolution) come from the following sources: 1. fossils -fossils show the history and diversity of life -for scientists, this is one of most important pieces of evidence for macroevolution 2. comparative anatomy -homologous structures: body parts that are similar to each other suggest a common ancestor

4 Evolutionary History

5 Evolutionary History -analogous structures: structures used for
similar purposes, but coming from different evolutionary paths -vestigial organs: organs no longer useful, but suggest an evolutionary relationship

6 Evolutionary History 3. embryology
-similar development in embryos have also pointed toward a common ancestor 4. DNA/genetics -similar DNA points to evolutionary relationships

7 Evolutionary Vocabulary
There are some types of evolution that can be deduced based on the words used to describe them. In fact, this method can be used for any subject! Consider the following words: 1. Converge: to come together from different places 2. Diverge: to go in different directions from a common place 3. Radiation: to spread out from a single point Given these words, guess what happens with regards to evolution for the following three terms: Convergent Evolution Divergent Evolution Adaptive Radiation

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