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Dermatoglyphics & Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligent Test

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1 Dermatoglyphics & Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligent Test

2 “A GENIUS cannot be CREATED, but can be DISCOVERED
“A GENIUS cannot be CREATED, but can be DISCOVERED! Everyone is a genius when they are in the right position”

3 History of Dermatoglyphics
An Italian person named Marcello Malpighi ( ) was the First one to Study fingerprints Scientifically Gouard Bidloo wrote the First book with detailed drawings of fingerprints in Year 1685 As early in 1832, a Famous Surgeon of England named Charles Bell had started his study on this subject and discovered neurological link between hands and brain In 1893, Sir Francis Galton was one of the earliest to look into the relationship between skin grains and genes among different families and different people so as to classify the skin grains scientifically. He established the theory of the everlasting and personality of finger prints which had been used since then.

4 History of Dermatoglyphics
The Father of Dermatoglyphics Harold Cummins, M D established the Theory of Dermatoglyphics in 1926 after he researched on the existing research by other scientists and him. Excellent grain identification tools were developed and used in research of different races, identification, genes and so on. In 1936, Harold Cummins, MD , presented his research of the special grain character of Down patients in medical journal . Dr. Walker is the first one to confirm the significance of DOWN. According to this significance, one can easily distinguish 70% of the DOWN patients. This significance is still under used by the Pediatrics.

5 History of Dermatoglyphics
In 1969, John Mulvihill, MD and David W. Smith, MD published the research on different stages about the formation of grain for the babies. The skin grains were formed from the formation of embryo to week 13 and would finish developing after week 16. The skin grains remain the same ever since then and unique for every individual. Skin grains have been widely used as a tool for clinical diagnosis for the past recent 20 years and publicized in other areas. In 1969, Dr. Eugene Scheimann provided the relationship of signage, medical inspection and evidence of skin grains.

6 CONCEPT of Dermatoglyphics
In recent years, Dr. Chen Ming Chi of 168TQ Group focused on developing the combination of the relationship of skin grains, genes, psychology, and development of mind along with educational, medical and science experts such as “Multi-wisdom” theory published by Dr. Howard Gardner of University of Harvard, aiming to provide tailor made education for every individual with special potential so as to donate to the society.

7 CONCEPT of Dermatoglyphics
Many scientists and medical doctorate found that the born number of brain cells (learning potential) can be checked from the skin grains of one’s limbs after long observatory, recordings, comparison and inductions. The structural function of Cerebral Cortex can be analyzed from the skin grains. Because of the spread of the brain cells on different areas of cortex does affect the sequence of advantages of learning of kids, therefore the code of potential and differentiation can be scaled and checked scientifically.

8 Dermatoglyphics Defined
Its reveals the congenital links between our fingers and our intrinsic qualities and talents. With these test of your known talents and intelligences, you can best be translated into education, personal and career success. By knowing these potentials earlier, you make effort to enhance and train your weaknesses so that learning is most pleasurable and effective.

9 No two persons in the world have the same fingerprint and gene
So we may conclude that a fingerprint is an external display of gene and brain structure Everyone is blessed with talents but not all talents, making best use of the inborn talent thereby being aware of the weaknesses, is the purpose of Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test

10 Dermatoglyphics - Facts
The study of fingerprints emerged way back in the year 1788.  Dermatoglyphics refers to the branch of science which studies the patterns of skin (dermal) ridges present on human fingers, toes and the soles The dermal ridges i.e. finger prints begin to form around the 13th week of gestation and develops completely by the end of the 21st week, and then remain invariable. Each one’s Dermatoglyphics pattern is unique and unalterable

11 Dermatoglyphics - Facts
Dermatoglyphics pattern is accepted as Diagnostic tool over the past 20 years and has been extended into public research field as a dominant science It reveals the congenital links between our fingers and our intrinsic qualities i.e. Our Strengths & Weaknesses By knowing these potentials earlier, one can make effort to enhance and train his/her own strengths so that learning becomes most pleasurable and effective Doctor Harold Cummins, M.D. is universally acknowledged as the Father of ‘Dermatoglyphics’

12 Is Dermatoglyphics Analysis scientifically or medically approved ???
Many scientists and medical doctors have used genetics, embryology, Dermatoglyphics, anthropology and anatomy as basis to observe, analyze, validate and conclude the result of Dermatoglyphics

13 The scientific evidence of Dermatoglyphics examination

14 Nearly two centuries ago since year 1823, scientists discovered the relevance of fingerprints and multiple intelligence of human Later, medical research verified that the formation of fingerprint started at week 13 of embryonic stage, and completed at week 21. Both the brain development and the dermal ridges were growing simultaneously. This principle has been proven by few professional experts, and was being listed in some clinical research. It has been widely recognized in China for this outstanding discovery Later on, numerous scientists and medical experts studied on the Dermatoglyphics by observing, recording, comparing, assembling and eventually organizing all the data in order to obtain an accurate analysis of the hidden talents and strengths of a child.

15 British scientists: Dermal ridges reflect intelligence
According to a report from UK, it stated that few scientists from Barcelona University had carried out Dermatoglyphics test on 140 children and came out with a conclusion that people with mentally disabled tend to have abnormal dermal ridges compared with ordinary people Fingerprint with arch and whorl patterns were commonly found in these mentally disabled children; other than that, there were numerous unusual ridges noticed on their palms in comparison to a normal child

16 BENEFITS of Dermatoglyphics
Born learning potential energy The sequence of advantages of learning with Cerebral Cortex “Strength and Weakness of 10 Wisdoms” The strong wisdom formed after birth Born Thinking style Born learning type Born learning function analysis Health formed after birth Which faculty will be best potentially performed Potential working skills Ideal career to utilize potential

17 About DMIT (Dermatoglyphic Multiple Intelligence Test)
The DMIT is to determine and confirm of your capability in your area of intelligences instantly Eg: Anyone who is weak in logical Mathematical Intelligence find difficulties in logic, abstract, inductive and deductive reasoning and numbers. Discovery shows that they are less capable in reasoning, recognition, scientific thinking and investigation and the ability to perform complex calculations. The test analyzes your learning mode and preference learning style to help you empower your learning capability and skills DMIT only gave you your life talents and intelligences report at this instant. You saved up time and money, instead of taking the longer journey going through the trial and error to know them.

18 DMIT – Helps one Know… The brain function structure
The sharpness of learning ability Learning type in sense of sight, sense of hearing and sense of physical learning Why is a person conflicting in nature? Why is a person so inactive, so stubborn, or why can’t he/she concentrate or sit still?

19 DMIT – Helps one Know… Why are children not interested in learning a certain set of things/activities? The most appropriate way of teaching and communication 4 types of learning style: cognitive style, imitative style, reverse thinking style and open style. The 8 acquired intelligence

20 Learning Styles

21 Whorl Loop Arch Dominant Type (45% ) Recessive Type ( Around 45% )
Reverse thinking Type ( Around 2-3% ) Variable Type ( Around 7-8% ) Disciplined Perfectionist Caring Preciseness Attach Importance To Systems And Qualities It Is Good At Imitation Learning with Honest Devotion Complaisant Personalities Harmony Is Most Precious Like To Discover Things Themselves Self-centered Independent Don’t Like Being Controlled Reverse Thinking Creative Capable of great advantage of Concrete Plasticity and good Adaptive Capacity of Surroundings

22 The 8 acquired Intelligences

23 How to Teach / Learn in 8 Different Ways
One of the most remarkable feature of the theory of multiple intelligence is that it provides eight different potential pathways to learn as under: Words : Linguistic Intelligence Numbers or Logic : Mathematical Intelligence Pictures : Spatial Intelligence Music : Musical Intelligence Physical Experience : Kinesthetic Intelligence Self – reflection : Intrapersonal Intelligence Social Experience : Interpersonal Intelligence Experience in the Natural world : Naturalist Intelligence. For example, if you are learning about law of supply and demand in economics, you might read about it (linguistic), study  mathematical formulas that express it (logical – mathematical), examine a graphic chart that illustrates the principle (spatial), observe the law in the natural world (naturalist) or in the human world of commerce (interpersonal).

24 Multiple Intelligence Quotient

25 Linguistic Intelligence - Traits
Linguistic Skills are all about words and how we communicate. We put them to work whenever we speak, read, write, or listen. In the classroom, kids must draw on their linguistic talents all the time. For those who aren't strong in this area, schoolwork can be a struggle. Learn different languages very easily as they have high verbal memory and recall, and an ability to understand and manipulate syntax and structure.

26 Mathematical Intelligence - Traits
People who favor this skill look for patterns when they solve problems has to do with logic, abstract, inductive and deductive reasoning, and numbers They have more reasoning capabilities, recognition, scientific thinking and investigation, and the ability to perform complex calculation This intelligence is very important at school, and in taking standardized tests

27 Spatial Intelligence - Traits
Ever sketch the dimensions of a room before rearranging the furniture? That's using your spatial intelligence! There's even a link between our ability to form mental images and reading comprehension. They have strong visual memory and are often artistically inclined, They have a good sense of direction and may also have a very good hand-eye coordination

28 Musical Intelligence - Traits
Musical intelligence is the earliest of all talents to emerge – even babies can sing and match rhythmic structures. Exposure to music can help kids increase their coordination, understand their culture, relax, and even improve their math skills! Those who have a high level of musical rhythmic intelligence display greater sensitivity to sounds, rhythms, tones and music. In addition they will often use songs or rhythms to learn and memorize information, and may work best with music playing

29 Kinesthetic Intelligence - Traits
Do your kids talk with their hands? That's a sign that they use their bodies to solve problems. In this category, people are generally adept at physical activities such as sport, dance or preferably activities which utilize movement Good at making and building things Those strong in this area seem to use what might be termed as muscle memory, that is, they remember things through their body rather than through words (verbal memory) or images (visual memory)

30 Intrapersonal Intelligence - Traits
People with strong intrapersonal skills have a good sense of self understanding and has to do with introspective and self–reflective capabilities They are typically introverts and prefer to work alone They usually are highly self-understanding People with these skills are Capable of understanding their own goals, emotions and motivations There is often a high level of perfection associated with this intelligence

31 Interpersonal Intelligence - Traits
Interpersonal intelligence is about understanding other people. This skill is closely tied to intrapersonal intelligence understanding of self People in this category are usually extroverts and are characterized by their sensitivity to others' moods, feeling, temperaments and motivations, and their ability to cooperate in order to work as part of a group Can communicate effectively and empathize easily with others Either leaders or followers, they learn best by working with others and often enjoy discussion and debate

32 Naturalist Intelligence - Traits
Naturalistic talent is the ability to easily recognize and classify plants, animals, and other things in nature It generally involves keen observation of the environment and the surrounding and the ability to classify other things as well People with this skill have keen sensory skills for sight, sound, smell, taste and touch

Every brain has its uniqueness inside the Neocortex. Neocortex is the structure in the brain that differentiates human from other vertebrates and its serves as the center of higher mental functions for human beings. It nurtures the higher intelligence of human.

34 Left Brain (Right hand) Right Brain (Left hand)
Output A a Thumb Organize, management Creative B b Pointer Logical Spatial Action Input Think C c Middle Finger Finger movement Art, Rhythm Tactile D d Married Finger Memory, language Music Audio E e Little Finger Observation Recognize, Picture Visual 34

35 Left Brain Right Brain Comparison

36 Left Brain Right Brain Comparison
Left brain and Right brain dominated people can also be categorized as convergent thinkers and divergent thinkers respectively. Left Brain – A convergent thinker has a systematic approach and plays by the rules. He analyzes everything and reaches a logical conclusion. Thus, scientific and mathematical activities are more up his street. Right Brain – A Divergent thinkers, on the other hand, are creative and tend to throw the rules out of the window. They are artistic and always looking for ways to express themselves.

37 When It Comes To Academics
Left brain dominated children do well at school, as they are more likely to respond to formal learning. They exhibit greater responsibility, are quite content to study by themselves and have greater concentration. Right brain dominated children, on the other hand, are less likely to perform well academically. They prefer to study with company, cannot sit still for very long and are more responsive in informal settings.  The Secret of the Rich’s Brain The connection between individual neurons results in learning. Even if the brain’s development is completed and the neurons have stopped increasing. Learning abilities can still be improved.


39 Dermatoglyphics - Learning Curve

40 Dermatoglyphics – Benefits for CHILDREN / STUDENTS / ADULTS…
Identify his/her inborn talents and weaknesses Identify his/her best learning style and characteristics Subject/Course/Career selection Reduce time and money wastage over irrelevant course and classes Develop a person’s confidence Improve the relationship between parents and children A quality life for a person

41 How Should Parents Use this ?
Respect the difference of each child Understand the functioning of the brain and help children break through the learning barrier Understand the skills of a child and work on its development Provide suitable learning environment in accordance with each child’s specific characteristics and intelligence development Understand the skills of a child thereby helping them in the right direction in selecting their future

42 Dermatoglyphics In The Field Of Education
Evaluation Of Inborn Intelligence Communication And Education Selection Of Special Talent Building Of Personal Learning Discovery Of Gift Suggestion For Further Study Most Appropriate Method Of Teaching And Learning

43 Dermatoglyphics In The Field Of Industrial Human Resource
Evaluation Of Recruitment Evaluation Of Appropriateness Of Positions Direction Of Staff Training Discovery Of Staffs’ Potential Leadership Interaction And Communication Human Resource Sales And Marketing

44 Thank You….. With earnest regards,

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