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Towards The Columns Design of Super Prof. AbdulQader Najmi.

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Presentation on theme: "Towards The Columns Design of Super Prof. AbdulQader Najmi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Towards The Columns Design of Super Prof. AbdulQader Najmi

2 Description:  Tubular Column – Square or Round  Filled with Concrete
 Provided with U-Links welded to its Walls as shown in Figure 1

3 Compression Specimen U-Links are used to Confine Concrete

4 What is a Super Column?  Large Forces  Sustains Large Axial Strains
 Has A Unique Type of Failure

5 Super Column Failure:  By Plastic Buckling of the steel Tube.
 Not by the Crushing of Concrete.  Concrete does not fail  In fact: Concrete deforms inside the buckled tube shape depicting its exact inside shape with no signs of cracking!!!

6 3 Million pounds Apparatus – Newmark Lab
- University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Author among professors from Civil and Mechanical Engineering Departments.

7 Test Specimen fitted with all sorts of
measuring devices

8 Concrete reshaped – No signs of cracks

9 Summary of Test Results f m a x . f c = 30 MPa f c = 23.7 MPa
Square Specimens Group-1 Circular Specimens Group-2 Circular Specimens Group-3 Rectangular Specimens group-4 Specimen C1- 000 C1- 040 C1- 030 cc- 000 cc- 040 cc- 030 cc- 020 C2C -000 C2C- 020 REC- 000 REC -045 REC- 035 Spacing of U-Links (mm) - 40 30 - 40 30 20 - 20 - 45 35 Ultimate Load (kN) 1104 1568 1620 1230 1693 1744 1947 2270 3290 1900 2280 2306 ' 0.85 1.73 1.83 0.86 1.87 1.98 2.43 0.78 1.77 0.85 1.58 1.63 f m a x . f c f c = 30 MPa ' A  m m 2 f (shell) =320 MPa Dia. of U-link = 8 mm f (link) = 335 MPa f c = 23.7 MPa ' A  m m 2 f (shell) = 355 MPa Dia. of U-link = 8 mm f (link) = 335 MPa f c = 27.1 MPa ' A  m m f (shell) = 454 MPa Dia. of U-link = 10mm f y (link) = 486 2 A  m m 2 ' f (shell) = 367 MPa Dia. of U-link = 10 mm f (link) = 486 MPa f c = 23.4 MPa c c c c y y y y y y y Summary of the results.

10          
Test Results at Newmark Laboratories Control Specimen 1222 kips #2 (Control)   tra ns verse strain            average axial strain  concrete a xial s train  average overall s train  Avg rebar Avg axial Avg trans Avg overall Fig. 14 : Load ‐ Axial Strain Steel Tube, Axial strain of concrete (imbedment), Transverse  strain of tube, Average overall strain of specimen (Control Specimen)  Applied load, P (kips) Strain,  1222 kips Imbedment 

11          
3/8” U-Links 250 kips ksi added =20% #3 (3/8" rebar)    average axial stra in            embedment s train  average overall s train  Imbedment kips Avg rebar  Avg axial Avg trans Avg overall e mbe dment strain (concrete), a verage overall strain   Applied load, P (kips) ave rage transverse s rtain in,  Stra Fig. 15: Lo a d ‐ a verage tra nsverse strain, a verage axial strain (tu be),

12          
½ “ U-Links 281 kips ksi added =23% #4 (1/2" rebar)                 Imbedment Avg rebar  Avg axial Avg trans Avg overall  1503 kips  Applied load, P (kips) Strain, 

13          
5/8” U-Links 360 kips ksi added =30% #5 (5/8" rebar)                 Imbedment Avg rebar  Avg axial Avg trans Avg overall   Applied load, P (kips) Strain,  1582 kips

14 Filled Composite Rectangular Columns AISC Specifications
P  P  F A  0.85f ' A P   P   0.75 no p y s c c u c n c P  P  Pp Py    2  r p  P  F A  0.7f ' A   b / t  E Fy   b / t  E Fy b / t  E no p    2 p p r Fy y y s c c P  F A  0.7f ' A F  9E s  t  Pno  2.25 Pe y cr s c c  Pno    Pu  0.75  0.877Pe cr  b    2 Pu  0.75Pno 0.658 Pe  EI eff .  E s I s  C 3E c I c  As   Ac  As  E  w f ' C 3  0.6  2    0.9 c c c P   2 EI ef f . e  KL 2

15   2 EI ef f . Pu  0.75Pno 0.658 Pe     KL 2
Pno  Pu  0.75Pno 0.658 Pe (1) P  P  F A  0.85f ' A (2) no p y s   2 EI ef f . c c Where: P (3) e  KL 2 EI eff .  E s I s  C 3 E c I c  As  C 3  0.6  2  A   0.9  c s   A Pno Pe Ac E c EI eff E s Fy I s K L  nominal strength  elastic buckling load  area of concrete  modulus of elasticity of concrete  effective stiffness of composite section  modulus of elasticity of steel  minimum yield sress of steel  moment of inertia of steel shape  effective length factor  laterally unbraced length  concrete grade  weight of concrete per unit volume  coefficient related to filled composite compression member  Pno for compact sections  area of steel shape  0.75 f ' c w c C 3 Pp As c

16 Compact section AISC Equation I2-9b Page 16.1-87
AISC Code Calculations AISC Eqn. 12-9b f 'c  B  t des  B i  E s  Fy  HSS 8  8 1 / 2 Leff .  1.7 ft 7.84 8 0.465 7.07 29000 46 t  0.93  1  0.465" 2 E p  b / t  F Ac  I c  des . f c Unconfined  ' 49.98 208.21 y 2 A  13.5 in P Pe 7.84 56.75 P   2 EI eff .  K L  no 1.00   b / t  14.2 P  P  F A  0.85f ' A Compact section AISC Equation I2-9b Page e 2 0.009 no p y s c c I  125 in 4 s ' E c  w f c 954.10 P Pn  Pno     no  Pe 5144 950.6 Effective Stiffness EI eff .  E s I s  C 3E c I c  A  C 3  0.6  2  A  A   0.9 s  c s  C 3  1.55 0.900 Newmark Lab -Illnois 1582 EI eff .  1503 1472 #3 1222 1.20 U‐Link 3/8 inches spacing 1.5 inches ‐ added 250 kips

17  y  Fy E  E s 1  1st secant modulus of steel (E steel ) f c  f
''   "  enhanced stress attained of concrete f ' c c n  E s 1  E  2nd secant modulus of steel at n E s 2 s 2 y f ' E c 2  2nd secant modulus of concrete at n y c n AT Fy n  E s 1 ,  E s 1 , A E N F  f ' A s 2 n  Ac E c 2 s y c c  2 E I  As 1  s 2 T A ... (steel units), A .... (steel units), P  L 2 cT N s 2 n n   2 E AT  AcT  As 2 (steel units) I s 2  (steel units), I cT   s A   L    2 T I (b  2t ) (b  2t )3 s ...(steel units) n N 12   r T  I (b  2t )4 I  s  ...(steel units) T n N A (b  2t )2 A  s  ....(steel units) T n N r  I T (steel units) T AT

18 Non-Linear Transformation
Calculations Applies to: Linear, plastic and Strain Hardening Stages U 3  8 HSS 8 HSS 8  8 1/2 n  E s 1 E s 2 Fy E s 1 As 1 b t Ac 2 Acs 1 E '' s 2 f  c ' f c E cs 2 75 387 46 29000 13.5 8 0.465 50.0 0.25 f ' c I s 2 As 2  b 2t  2 2.172 7.84 143 E s 1 AT I T N r A 125 y 0.18 T cs 1 N EcT I s 1 0.0016 0.43 2.69 2.51 0.25 202.60 E  I s 2  b 2t  (b  2t ) 3 1.67 s 1 I nF  2 (E ) I T n N 12 y P Pn  s T b 2t 4 I  12N 9.11 n L2 A b  2t  2 E 1472 1472 cs 1 A  s 2  L   s 1 rT 22.89 1472 1.03 T n N y nF P A F ' P n s y f A c c f ' E cs 2  n c L (ft) 1.91 y Co l umns: Pn  AT   n n [  [  Fy  constant ]  E s 1 Beams:        y y E s2

19 Multi-Cell Column Cross-sections Figure :9
Four Cell Cross-Section Four Cell Cr oss-Section Five Cell Cross-Section Three Cell Cross-Section Figure :9 Suggested Layouts of the multi-Cell Columns Two Cell Cross-Section

20 CONCLUSION  The strength of a compression cell is linked to the U-Links provided, the use of square tubes ensures a uniform confinement of concrete.  The ultimate strains attained in the compression cells together with the large inertia properties of multi-cell cross-sections results in high design moments close to plastic moments when considering large unsupported lengths.  The failure of such columns will tend to be linked to plastic buckling of steel tubes rather than of crushing in concrete.

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