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The 8th UIC Regional Assembly Middle East Istanbul, 23rd Nov. 2010
Mr. Engineer Saheb Mohammadi Vice Minister for Roads and Transportation RAI President
Four subjects in focus RAI Prospect to link with other countries
RAI programs to Develop the fleet, Modernizing Tracks and Privatization RAI Prospect to link with other countries Cooperative Memorandums concluded with other countries for developing the fleet & expanding the lines Middle East role in rail transport برنامه هاي راه آهن ايران براي توسعه ناوگان ، مدرنيزه سازي خطوط و خصوصي سازي چشم انداز راه آهن ايران براي اتصال با كشورها سندهاي همكاري منعقد شده با ديگر كشورها براي توسعه خطوط و ناوگان نگاهي به نقش خاورميانه در حمل و نقل ريلي
RAI programs to develop fleet, tracks modernization and privatization
Existing Lines: km Under Construction Lines: km Under study lines: No. of Rail freight Companies:26 No. of Rail Passenger Companies: 8 Delegating 11 company of the total 14 sub-companies of RAI such as METRA Co., RAJA Passenger Co. & Sleeper Manufacturing Co. Delegating the 3 remained Companies in 4 upcoming months خطوط موجود: 9036 کيلومتر خطوط در دست ساخت : 2966 کيلومتر خطوط در دست مطالعه : كيلومتر شركتهاي باري : 26 شركتهاي مسافري: 8 واگذاري 11 شركت از 14 شركت وابسته به راه آهن از جمله شركتهاي مترا ، شرکت مسافري رجا و تراورس واگذاري 3 شرکت باقيمانده تا 4 ماه آينده
Rail Fleet Number of Locomotives:646
تعداد لكوموتيو: 646 واگذاري 80 درصد از واگن باري موجود واگذاري 100 درصد از 1900 واگن مسافري موجود ( با واگذاري 100% شركت مسافري رجا) نوسازي سالانه 350 كيلومتر Number of Locomotives:646 Delegating 80% of the present total Freight Wagons Delegating 100% of the present 1900 present passenger Wagons (with delegating 100% of RAJA Passenger Co.) Rehabilitating 350 km lines annually
Electrification Electrifying Tehran-Masshad Route
Studying on Electrifying Tehran-Qom-Isfahan Route and making the route High-Speed Start to Execute electrification Operation of Tabriz-Azarshahr Route برقي كردن محور تهران – مشهد مطالعه طرح برقي كردن محور تهران-قم- اصفهان و سريع السير كردن كل مسير آغاز عمليات اجرايي برقي نمودن محور تبريز –آذر شهر
Corridors passing through Iran
Construction of Qazvin-Rasht-Anzali-Astara; 375 km
(A missing link in North-South corridor that may decrease the length of the route from Finland to India) محور قزوين – رشت – آستارا تنها گسستگي مسير Qazvin-Rasht-Astara the only missing link
Construction of Sangan – Herat
Sangan – Herat railway with the length of 210 km for connecting the network of Iran to Afghanistan is among the projects under process. Through this rail line, the transportation of freight via Iran and the countries in the Central Asia (most ECO states as well) to Afghanistan will be realized.
Arak-Kermanshah-Khosavi 550 km Khorramshahr-Shalamcheh
East-West corridor Missing points in Iran Arak-Kermanshah-Khosavi 550 km Khorramshahr-Shalamcheh 16km Shalamcheh-Basra:35 km
Developing Regional and Ultra-regional Cooperation
Concluding four-lateral statement between Iran,Oman, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan Signing an MOU between the Transport Ministers of Iran & China انعقاد بيانيه 4 جانبه بين ايران، عمان، ترکمنستان و ازبکستان امضاي يادداشت تفاهم وزراي راه و ترابري ج.ا.ايران و وزير راه آهن چين
Middle East Railways کل طول خط: کيلومتر Total line: km جابجايي سالانه مسافر: 100+ ميليون M. ِ:Annual Passenger handling حمل و نقل سالانه بار: 73 ميليون تن Annual Freight Transport: 73 M. tons kars hail burrailh JADDEH
مسافر كيلومتر در 2008 : 20 ميليارد Passenger- km in 2008 : 20 billion
Transport Increase Forecast مسافر كيلومتر در 2008 : 20 ميليارد Passenger- km in 2008 : 20 billion پيش بيني افزايش تا سال 2025: 35 درصد Increase forecast by 2025: 35 % تن كيلومتر در 2008 : 35 ميلياردTon-km in 2008: 35 Billion پيش بيني افزايش سال 2025: بيش از دو برابر Increase forecast by 2025: more than twice
Suggestions 1. Launching Scheduled Trains between Iran-Turkey & Syria
2- Making the Corridors active as one the working priorities and cooperation with other regional and international organizations and benefiting the finacial power of international Banks 3- Educational Activites and holding workshops on the of the Members with contribution of other regions 1- راه اندازي قطارهاي برنامه اي در مسيرهاي ايران-ترکيه و سوريه و تشكيل کارگروه 2- فعال نمودن كريدورها بعنوان يکي از اولويتهاي كاري و همکاري با ساير سازمانهاي بين المللي ومنطقه اي و استفاده از توان بانکهاي جهاني 3- انجام فعاليتهاي آموزشي و برگزاري کارگاهها بر حسب نيازهاي اعضا با مشارکت مناطق ديگر
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