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Mike Roberts Boeing Fort Worth Spring Meeting 6 April 2011

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Presentation on theme: "Mike Roberts Boeing Fort Worth Spring Meeting 6 April 2011"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mike Roberts Boeing Fort Worth Spring Meeting 6 April 2011
9104-1 Mike Roberts Boeing Fort Worth Spring Meeting 6 April 2011 Registration Management Committee April 6, 2011

2 Agenda / Contents Status Schedule Q & A

3 April 6 Status 8 March 2011 9 March 2011 10 March 2011 30 March 2011
IDR (Roberts) Completed All Comments IDR Received Go-ahead From All Sector SDRs 9 March 2011 Sent 9104/1 Draft To IAQG SML (Lessmann) SML Received Formal Approvals From All SDRs 10 March 2011 SML Sent Draft to IAQG Editor (Wood) 30 March 2011 IAQG Editor Sent Out First Ballot Draft For Review Some Concerns Raised By Europe

4 April 6 Status (continued)
31 March 2011 IDR Requested Special Review From Europe Rep (Folland), OPMT Chair (Lee) and Chapter 8 Book Boss (Downs) 4 April 2011 IDR Received and Consolidated All Comments IDR Sent Consol. Draft (to above) For Final Agreement 6 April 2011 IDR Did Not Receive Go Ahead From Europe TBD IDR Will Send Ballot Draft to IAQG Editor for Completion and Forward to SML for Ballot

5 9104/1 Best-Case Schedule

6 Questions ?

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