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Objective: Students will add and subtract groups of integers.

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1 Objective: Students will add and subtract groups of integers.
October 8, Math 102 Objective: Students will add and subtract groups of integers. Aim: How do we use the Associative Property of Addition to add and subtract integers? NYS Mathematics Standards: 7.N.12 Prior Knowledge: Think of two examples of adding and subtracting integers in daily life.

2 Mini-lesson: To add and subtract integers, begin by rewriting each subtraction as addition. Then add from left to right. 5 – = 5 + (-6) + 2 = = 1

3 Use the Associative Property of Addition to make solving problems easier. The order in which you group numbers does not change the answer. Example: Simplify (3 + 6) + (-6) = 3 + (6 + (-6)) = 3 + 0 = 3

4 Group Practice: Write each subtraction as addition. Use the Associative Property of Addition to group integers and simplify.

5 Independent Practice:
Assessment: (( ) + 18 = (-17) + ( ) is an example of which property? 2. Rewrite the subtrction expression as asn addition expression: 23 – 9 – (-18). Then simplify. Homework: Math Triumphs Book 3, p. 337 #1 - 4

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