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Science Policy Exchange - Thursday pm Session -

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1 Science Policy Exchange - Thursday pm Session -
Ocean Condition Issues Sep 12-13, 2007

2 Format for the Science-Policy Exchange
Format of Topic Sessions Specific topic Note FWP assumptions on topic Describe and summarize new scientific findings Clarify with case studies, wherever possible Summary and policy implications Group Discussion Exchange between Council members, managers, and scientists Emphasis is on policy and manager’s perspective Sep 12-13, 2007

3 Meeting Details Schedule is tight Restroom locations Lunch on your own
Facilitator will enforce time table Talks Breaks Restroom locations Lunch on your own Odds and ends Sep 12-13, 2007

4 Science Policy Exchange
Fish and Wildlife Program Assumptions Incorporated in Fish and Wildlife Programs’ Scientific Principles Based on: Independent Scientific Group’s Return to the River and its Conceptual Foundation Sep 12-13, 2007

5 Alternative Conceptual Foundation Return to the River (1996; 2006)
Normative River Processes natural processes and functions Habitat Complexity and Diversity Biodiversity life history, population, phenotypic, genetic Salmonid Productivity achieve Council’s rebuilding goals Resiliency Sep 12-13, 2007

6 Ocean-Specific Assumptions in the FWP
Primary Strategy: Identify the effects of ocean conditions on anadromous fish and use this information to evaluate and adjust inland actions Secondary strategies Manage for temporal and spatial variation in ocean conditions Distinguish ocean effects from inland effects Sep 12-13, 2007

7 Coastal / Ocean Ecosystem Overview
Increasing understanding of ocean variability El Nino Pacific Decadal Oscillation Coastal Upwelling Marine survival of juvenile salmon Mechanisms linking survival to ocean conditions Speaker: Bill Pearcy Sep 12-13, 2007

8 Ocean-Entry /Plume Research Productivity, variability, & PDO
Distribution, abundance, condition, and survival of juvenile salmon vary synchronously with ocean conditions Salmon survival in the plume habitat Linking ocean conditions to freshwater actions Speakers: Ed Casillas Sep 12-13, 2007

9 Northeast Pacific Basin
Distribution and migration Coded wire tag studies Genetic studies POST System data Comprehensive Tagging Strategies Speakers: Kate Myers Sep 12-13, 2007

10 Discussion Periods Time is limited Need to focus on
Summary and policy implications Group Discussion Exchange between Council members, managers, and scientists Emphasis is on policy and manager’s perspective Schedule Enforcers Sep 12-13, 2007

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