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Fire Hose, Nozzles, Streams, and Foam

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1 Fire Hose, Nozzles, Streams, and Foam
16 Fire Hose, Nozzles, Streams, and Foam

2 Introduction Instructor Introduction Topic Introduction
Class objectives References Preparation Step Information

3 Relieve Water Pressure
Water pressure will make it difficult to uncouple a charged hose line. Make sure the pressure is relieved before using spanner wrenches to loosen the coupling.

4 Skill Drill 16-4 Performing the One-Fire Fighter Knee-Press Method of Uncoupling a Fire Hose (1 of 2) 1. Pick up the connection by the female coupling end. 2. Turn the connection upright, resting the male coupling on a firm surface.

5 Skill Drill 16-4 Performing the One-Fire Fighter Knee-Press Method of Uncoupling a Fire Hose (2 of 2) 3. Place a knee on the female coupling and press down on it with your body weight. Turn the female swivel counterclockwise and loosen the coupling.

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