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Measuring and Monitoring Treasury Performance

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1 Measuring and Monitoring Treasury Performance
PEMPAL TCOP Plenary Meeting Measuring and Monitoring Treasury Performance Group 3 – Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Uzbekistan Tirana (Albania), May 22, 2018

2 Overview of Country Practices

3 Existing approaches to monitoring treasury performance (participants, processes, tools, etc.)
Carrying out automated employee assessment (establishing a database - Armenia) Incorporating into the budget program framework (Moldova) Lack of assessment system – budget program reporting forms are being developed (Kyrgyzstan) Assessment is not supported by regulations (Uzbekistan)

4 Challenges in measuring and monitoring treasury performance
Lack of common approaches – lack of common methodology, methodology is hard to develop Lack of automation system Assessment administration is labor-intensive (especially self-assessment) Must be part of decision making or incentive system Interest of the management

5 PEFA Indicators as Treasury KPIs
(example of PI-22 Expenditure Arrears)

6 Are we using the same language when speaking of “expenditure arrears”
Are we using the same language when speaking of “expenditure arrears”? (examples of definitions used) Based on the contractual deadline, otherwise – 30 days (Armenia, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan); Mandatory contractual condition (Russia) Arrears are formed when a budget user does not pay within the reporting period (quarter). A clearing center has been established within the public procurement operator (Uzbekistan)

7 Challenges in using PI-22 for measuring treasury performance
Impossible to assess using a single indicator (arrears), a unified treasury performance assessment system should be developed PEFA framework differs from legally adopted approaches in each of the countries

8 PI-22 Expenditure Arrears – Self-Assessment
22.1. Stock of Expenditure Arrears 22.2. Expenditure Arrears Monitoring Armenia А В Kyrgyzstan С (В) Moldova Russia А+++ Uzbekistan D (A)


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