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Graded Quiz #7 Oct. 25, 2017 Clicker [AB]

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1 Graded Quiz #7 Oct. 25, 2017 Clicker [AB]
Covers: Module 3.A through 3.B

2 The resolution of an N-bit ATD is:
N2 / (VRH  VRL) (VRH  VRL) / N2 2N / (VRH  VRL) (VRH  VRL) / 2N none of the above The resolution of an N-bit ATD is: N2 / (VRH  VRL) (VRH  VRL) / N2 2N / (VRH  VRL) (VRH  VRL) / 2N  none of the above

3 The purpose of the anti-alias filter is:
to prevent input signals greater than Fs/2 from folding back into the baseband to remove replicas of the baseband spectrum that appear in the output spectrum centered at integer multiples of Fs to improve the ATD’s SQNR to improve the ATD’s resolution none of the above The purpose of the anti-alias filter is: to prevent input signals greater than Fs/2 from folding back into the baseband  to remove replicas of the baseband spectrum that appear in the output spectrum centered at integer multiples of Fs to improve the ATD’s SQNR to improve the ATD’s resolution none of the above

4 For RTI based clocks - why wouldn’t you just minimize error by using the fastest RTI interrupt rate to count to N seconds: Wastes Energy Wastes Time Might need a counter bigger than 16-bits depending on how many seconds are counted All of the above None of the above For RTI based clocks - Why wouldn’t you just minimize error by using the fastest RTI interrupt rate to count to N seconds: Wastes Energy Wastes Time Might need a counter bigger than 16-bits depending on how many seconds are counted All of the above  None of the above

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