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Journey Through the Teen Years

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1 Journey Through the Teen Years
August Workshop Centered for Life 2018 *fill out the personality assessment while you wait for the workshop to begin-- you can help each other!

2 Welcome! Fall Groups offered at C4L
Breaking Free- Women’s Group lead by Debby Temmer (Starts August 29th) Wednesday 12-2pm OR Wednesday 5:30-7:30pm Breaking Free- Men’s Group lead by Steve Temmer (Starts August 28th) Tuesday 6-8pm Middle and High School Girl’s Journey Group lead by Megan delaRosa High school- Monday 4:30-6pm OR 6:30-8pm (Starts September 10th) Middle school- Wednesday 4:30-6pm (Starts September 5th) Why Sign up for a Group? Build Community Personal Growth Freedom from Codependency Healing from the past Discovering your Family of Origin Increased Relational Harmony between family and friends

3 Teen Years-- Identity is Key
WOUNDING WIRING Painful experiences Dysfunction in Family of Origin Personality

4 Teen Years-- Identity is Key
Painful experiences Dysfunction in Family of Origin Teen Years-- Identity is Key WIRING WOUNDING Personality When we have a better understanding of our wiring and wounding AND the wiring and wounding of people in our lives (i.e. friends and family), we gain better understanding for others, we can offer more grace, and our compassion increases.

5 Why it is important to know who you are...
“75% of teens with low self-esteem reported engaging in negative activities such as disordered eating, cutting, bullying, or smoking, or drinking when feeling badly about themselves…” “Seven in ten girls believe they are not good enough or do not do not measure up in some way, including their looks, performance in school and relationships with friends and family members.” “18% of boys are highly concerned about their image, mainly physique and are at increased risk for depression, and more likely to engage in high-risk behaviors such as binge drinking and drug use.” “Teen girls that have a negative view of themselves are four times more likely to take part in activities with boys that they have ended up regretting later.” *All statistics were found at:

6 Wiring- our personality, our temperaments, how we were created
Personality is derived from the Greek word, Persona, which means mask Personality represents the overall profile or combination of characteristics that capture the unique nature of a person as they react and interact with others Temperament = our basic “hard wiring”, one of the filters through which we interpret the world Often a predictor of how we tend to relate to others and life situations

7 Personality Assessments offered at Centered for Life
Personality Plus Spiritual Gifts Myers Briggs Enneagram Love Language Harman’s Code Strengths Finder

8 Let’s try it out! Personality Plus
Let’s do it MY way Let’s do it the FUN way Let’s do it the EASIEST way Let’s do it the RIGHT way Review desires and emotional needs. *We need song to play here…


10 Wounding- our painful experiences from our childhood
Greek word for trauma means to wound or damage What is trauma? Not just severe circumstances (i.e. physical abuse, death or natural disasters) Moving Divorce Switching schools Bullying



13 What God declares is True about you in Christ!
I am accepted and worthy Romans 15:7 I am never alone Hebrews 13:5b I am adequate Cor. 2:5, 6 I have been chosen and set apart Eph. 1:4 I have strength Daniel 11:32 I am perfectly loved Eph. 2:4-5; 5:1 I am totally forgiven Hebrews 10:7 I have wisdom Proverbs 2:6, 7 I lack nothing Phil. 4:19 I have comfort John 15:6; 16:7 I am seen as perfect Col. 2:13 I am a new creation Cor. 5:17

14 The Parent Perspective
Painful experiences Dysfunction in Family of Origin The Parent Perspective WIRING WOUNDING Personality Parenting different personalities. The Value of “I’m sorry”

15 Resources


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