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Neutrino Point Source Searches with AMANDA-II m-DAQ

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1 Neutrino Point Source Searches with AMANDA-II m-DAQ
Jim Braun

2 m-DAQ Point Source Searches
Y.-R. Wang: Phys.Rev.D71: 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 D. Steele: Phys.Rev.Lett.92: M. Ackermann: Phys.Rev.D75: Unblinded in 2007 by J. Braun AMANDA-II complete m-DAQ decommissioned Would like to combine all years into a reasonably unified final event sample and publish point source result in early 2008 Sample will also be used by John K. and others

3 Data Filtering Two main data sets:
: Filtered to L3 (~1G events  ~1M events) with Zeuthen scheme : Filtered to L3 with UW scheme Zeuthen and UW filtering very similar Do not need to refilter to achieve a reasonably uniform event sample

4 Final Event Sample Final event samples are significantly different!
Zuethen Strong likelihood difference cut (downgoing vs. unconstrained) Strong P_hit smoothness cut Strong paraboloid error cut ~1K events/year High Purity UW Weaker likelihood difference cut at horizon Weaker P_hit smoothness cut Strong paraboloid error cut Weak direct length cut Maximum sensitivity near horizon

5 Event Selection Choose Zeuthen cuts for final event sample
Need a uniform event selection for all years Non-uniform selection is confusing Non-uniform selection would tend to combine the undesirable properties of both selections Choose Zeuthen cuts for final event sample Match publication 91% of events from with Zeuthen cuts are already contained in UW sample

6 Final Event Sample 6166 Total events in final sample

7 Normalization Data normalized to average of Barr et al. and Honda 2006 model atmospheric neutrino predictions Corrects for uncertainties in MC (e.g. ice properties, OM sensitivity) Final normalization: 0.901  Ratio of starting/final normalization indicates sample is 97% pure

8 Final Sample

9 Final Sample

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