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Bell Work Fill out your agenda: CW: Review for CA HW: Study notes.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work Fill out your agenda: CW: Review for CA HW: Study notes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work Fill out your agenda: CW: Review for CA HW: Study notes

2 Re-read pages 365-367. Use your notes along with the reading to answer the questions below:
Why was Samuel Slater able to make the factory system work? Explain Examine the schedule on page Describe why you think this is different than farm life. What kind of people began to enter the workforce? Why? How did interchangeable parts change the American economy?

3 How life changed during the Industrial Revolution:
Many of the first factories were placed in the New England region because of fast moving rivers to supply water for factories Also, there was a large supply of people willing to work in factories. Farmers were tired of subsistence farming due to rocky New England soil. The shift in population is called rural-to-urban migration as people left farms and headed for cities.

4 Other ways life changed…
Women and children were able to enter the workforce. Cheap goods became available because of mass production. People worked for a set wage and worked on a set schedule. City growth (from farms to cities). Population migrated to find work.

5 Impact on the Regions: Midwest: Farmers grew food to Northeastern factory workers. Northeast: Sold manufactured goods to Midwest farmers. South: Sold cotton goods to Northeastern textile mills. Be able to discuss how the Northeast and South were changed by the cotton gin. What changes did this machine bring to the South and how did the Northeast benefit from it?

6 Interchangeable Parts
Eli Whitney developed the concept of interchangeable parts. This enabled manufacturers to produce identical parts that became standard. This meant faster production, easier repairs, and the use of less skilled workers. The parts also allowed for mass production of products. More products on the market kept prices low and people purchased them.

7 Read pages 368 – 369. Check your notes to make sure you have complete notes on all inventions!

8 Steamboat Invention: Steamboat Inventor: Robert Fulton
Impact: The boat was pulled instead of pushed. An inventor, Henry Shreve improved the steamboat by developing a design that could be powers against the current. This launched a whole new era of river travel.

9 Steam powered train Inventor: Peter Cooper
Impact: Enabled those who did not live near rivers to receive goods over land. They could also travel over land.

10 Telegraph Inventor: Samuel Morse
Impact: Communication becomes more immediate.

11 Steel Plow Inventor: John Deere
Impact: Increased farm production. Enabled the heavier soil of the midwest not to cling to the newer lightweight plow. More farmers began moving to the Midwest and away from New England.

12 Threshing Machine Inventor: Andrew Meikle
Impact: Ability to separate kernels from husks quicker than by hand. Improved farming methods.

13 Mechanical Reaper Inventor: Cyrus McCormick
Impact: After the mechanical reaper, cutting became more efficient and quicker, improving farming methods. Before the mechanical reaper, harvesting was done manually.

14 Slavery Why did slavery increase?
Read pages and answer the questions below. Also, look at the map on page 375 (notice the Cause/Effects box—you might even want to copy this in your notes!) : What effect did the cotton gin have on slavery? Why did slavery increase?

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